Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
why can't you try?
I mean, I did try, and that didn't work. I can't hide that I'm still sad. Can't fight it, either. I don't have the energy.
everyone's sad, if they're not then they're a perfect example of blissful ignorance
but just because you're really sad doesn't mean you can't be happy. the moment you give in to the sadness is the moment you give up, and that's not ok -
I know. You're right.
i know it's tough, but there's always light at the end of the tunnel
i've been struggling too, but i still try to keep my head up. and ya know what? im happy that i haven't given up yet. i got to meet so many awesome and fun people, even if they're abnormal, they're still amazing in their own abnormal ways
I'm happy that you've been able to do that.
...but I don't think I want to.
I have to leave, now. I have to eat lunch, and my mom wants me off the internet early since she had problems with it last nigh. -
well, i hope your day doesn't get too s---ty. i'm always here if you need me
Am alive.
I don't know what we're feeling, yet, but a little hopeful about my eyes.
My dad decided that my mom should call me in for an appointment at the town's eye doctor.
Now, I have to go online, see what frame styles they have available, and choose ahead of time so I don't get stuck with a style that doesn't suit the shape of my face.
No rectangles. Absolutely not. -
You know that feeling you get when you're really missing someone? Yeah, I feel that...but I don't know who I miss.
I feel really bad. Just bad in general. Like, I feel empty and......................đŸ˜” nothing left to say about that.
But, what the f--- happened?
See, it's stupid things like this that gets me so messed up all day.
I don't know who my mind is trying to think about. Maybe, they're not even real!
...this is dumb. -
...I didn't get that one.
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