Wolf love story, Morning Dews love part 4(she-wolves only)

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Hello, everyone, the last part of Morning Dew’s love story is here! Maybe some time in the near future, I’ll make a new series called Morning Dew’s married story to Blizzard and another one for Jay, and another one for Swift.

Well, if you are new here then go to part 1, 2 and 3. Well, i guess that’s all for now, love y’all, bye:) <3 See you all later! Bye. For some reason I have to keep writing.

Created by: K K
  1. The sun is shining and the birds are singing, but on the ground there is not peace, Blizzard, Jay and Swift are challenging each other for YOU! What do YOU do?
  2. Your dad, the Alpha, stops them just in time. Blizzard growls at Jay, you?
  3. Jay shows his teeth, at Blizzard and Swift, you?
  4. Swift snarls at them both, you?
  5. Later Jay, Blizzard and Swift try to share a kill with you, who do you choose
  6. After lunch, you visit Leary’s grave, Jay’s there too, you?
  7. You are in the den, Swift walks up and looks around, then sits next to you and starts grooming you, you?
  8. After the grooming incident, you decide that it might be better if you wash off in the creek, so Swifts sent doesn’t trigger another fight. Blizzard is there, you?
  9. That night, Jay, Blizzard and Swift walk up to you, “ Morning Dew, you’ve known us all for a long time, and…” Jay started. “Who will you choose as your mate?” Blizzard asks. You.
  10. That’s all for now, you?

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