Wolf love story, Morning Dews love part 1,(she-wolves only)

Ok, hi everyone, this is my first time making a love quiz, so I hope you like it, I’m K K, by the way, well, enjoy the quiz, part 2, 3, and 4 are in the works, so see you later.

Ok, so how this works, is I give you a question and a few answers, and you dicside which one you want, in the end you will find out who you love most. Enjoy!

Created by: K K
  1. You open your eyes, the world around you is full of wonder! “Hello there, dear, I thought you might never open your eyes! I’m your mother, Windy, and this is your father Pine.” “Hello there, pup!” Someone says. “Honey, this is Blizzard.” Your mom says. You?
  2. What ever you chose, Blizzard takes you out on your first walk, he asks your name “I’m Morning Dew.” You say. “Yes! Your mother used the name I suggested!” He leaped into the air with joy. You?
  3. Suddenly you bump into someone, you look up into two beautiful blue eyes, “Whoa, sorry Dew.” He says. “My name is Jay.” You?
  4. A FEW MONTHS LATER, “Hey, Dewy, wanna go hunting? You?
  5. What ever you chose, you went with him, he starts grooming you, you?
  6. Suddenly out of nowhere, someone jumps on you, you?
  7. Soon you realize that it’s another wolf, a white wolf, “Howdy, I’m Swift! Nice to finally meet you, Dew!” You?
  8. “Hey, Dewy wanna come to the moon festival with me?” Jay asks. You?
  9. Swift invites you too. You?
  10. Blizzard invites you also. You?
  11. It’s over for now,

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