The Love Story of Cloudfrost! PART 1

Hi! Im Turtlenose and this is my quiz! Please don't judge me, I haven't done many quizzes yet, but I hope to do more in the future! So let me tell you about the quiz...

You are Cloudkit/paw/frost, a fluffy white she cat. Your mother is Morningdew, your father is Swiftdash, and your brother and sister are Nightpaw and Duskpaw. This quiz, unlike most that are multiple toms you may or may not love, this is just seeing if you would like one tom, Stonewing! Thank you for taking my quiz and have a great day/night! I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Turtlenose
  1. You blink open your eyes and look around to see four cats: a brown she cat with white patches, a gray tabby tom, and two smaller cats, a pale ginger she cat and a fluffy black tom. "She's opened her eyes!" The brown and white she cat purred. "I am your mother, Morningdew. This is your father, Swiftdash, your brother,Nightkit, and your sister, Duskkit. And you are Cloudkit!" You blink in astonishment. So much to learn! You wobbled over to the edge of the nest on unsteady legs. When you peek over the edge you see a slightly larger than you gray tom and a dark ginger she cat. The she cat was crying. Morningdew murmured into you ear, "That's Marigoldstripe and Stonekit. Stonekit's litter mates died last night." You think, aww that's sad.
  2. The next day, you, Nightkit, Duskkit, and Stonekit all go out of the nursery to play moss ball. Before you can pad out after your littermates, Stonekit pushes in front of you, growling slightly. You think:
  3. Anyway, a few moons pass. You are now 5 moons old. You want to go out of camp, but you can't. Not for a few more days. Stonekit has been mean to you for as long as you can remember, and you're starting to get tired of it. But one day, as you sit down to eat your mouse, he comes over to you with a vole in his jaws. You expect him to be rude like he always is, but he just pads up to you and asks, "can I eat with you?" You nod, unsure what to do. Why was he being so nice? "Hey, Cloudkit? Guess what Marigoldstripe told me? We're all becoming apprentices tomorrow!" You look at him with shock. You say:
  4. The next day, the leader, Mothstar, calls the Clan together. Your fur fluffs up in excitement. So Stonekit was telling the truth! Mothstar says that Nighpaw's mentor will be Hoppermoss, Duskpaw's mentor will be Willowtail, Stonepaw's mentor will be Pikeleap, and finally, you mentor will be Dawnmist. You ask her if you can go hunting. She says yes. You think:
  5. (Sorry im time skipping a lot I just want to get this thing going) Many moons later, its time for your assessment. You manage to catch three plump mice, a rabbit, and a small sparrow. Your mentor inspects the prey carefully. "...... You passed!" She purred. That sunset is your warrior ceremony. Sadly your littermates didn't pass, so its just you and Stonepaw. Mothstar says that Stonepaw is now Stonewing, and you are Cloudfrost. You think:
  6. Late at night, its just you and Stonewing guarding the camp. He looks at you, moonlight glimmering in his eyes. You feel slightly uncomfortable. Suddenly he stands up. "Lets go have a walk in the forest." He meows. You can't see the harm in it, so you go with him. (Btw thank you to The ULTIMATE Warrior Cat Love Story Part1 for this) As you two are walking in the forest, he can't take his eyes off you. Your pelt prickles uncomfortably.
  7. You two pass by a hollow tree. He suddenly shoves you into it. He caught you off guard, so when he leaps into the tree after you, you aren't prepared. "HELP!!!" You screech, but you are too far away from camp. He pins you uncomfortably to the hollow floor. His eyes are gleaming with love and triumph. "Cloudfrost. I... Ever since I met you, I knew I loved you. You... You love me, right?" He asks you. Before you can answer, he licks you muzzle. You:
  8. (If you licked him, do this one. If you hissed or froze, skip this one) He was over joyed with your response. "Cloudfrost..." His voice trails away as he starts covering your face in licks. Then he moves down slowly. His eyes meet yours, and his lick accidentally lands on your lips. Then he kisses you. "Do you want to have kits?" He asks, not waiting for an answer. You say:
  9. (If you kissed, skip this one. If you clawed or froze, do this one) Rage sparked his eyes. "Fine." He snarled. He pushed you down, knocking the wind out of you. He left. You went home.
  10. (If you hissed or froze, skip this one. If you kissed,do this one.) (So lets just say you said yes.) "I love you." He says. But suddenly CLIFFHANGER
  11. Hey sorry guys take part 2 to continue! Bye!(no effect)

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