The Love Story of Cloudfrost! PART 2! (she cats only)

Hi! Its me, Turtlenose! Have you taken part 1? If not, go do it right now! If you have, great! You'll remember that we left off on a cliffhanger. You'll find out what it was by doing the quiz!

Btw, pls no hate. If you hate on this quiz, it will be ignored, so just don't waste your time. This quiz has some sensitive topics, so pls don't take if you don't like such topics. Thank you and have a great day/night! Hope you enjoy!

Created by: Turtlenose
  1. Hiya! So, if you remember,, last quiz we left on a cliffhanger. Let me recap everything for ya. You are a white fluffy she cat, Cloudfrost. On the night of your vigil, you and Stonewing (the cat who was made warrior with you) went on a walk in the forest. But suddenly, he pushed you into a hollow tree and... Started mating with you. (Pls only take this if you chose kiss him in previous quiz) That's it! Oh, and the cliffhanger. I'll get to that. (no affect)
  2. He asks you, "Do you want to have kits?" But he doesn't wait for an answer. But suddenly you wake up in the warriors' den. "Waa...?" You say, blinking sleep from your eyes. 'Was it just a dream?' You wonder. Then you realize that all the other nests are empty. You slept in! Shaking moss from your fur, you head out of the den. The deputy, Shadowswoop, is waiting for you. "Slept in I see." He meowed, twitching his whiskers. "You're going on a hunting patrol." He tells you. You say:
  3. "You'll be with Berryjaw, Fallenflake, Hoppermoss, and Stonewing." When you hear Stonewing's name, you think:
  4. He comes up and walks next to you, so close your pelts touch. You:
  5. "We need to talk. Privately." He murmurs in your ear. Hoppermoss, leading the patrol, seems to understand. "Why don't you two go hunt that way, and we'll go this way." He meowed. You nod and head into the forest with Stonewing. "So... What do you, wanna talk about..? You ask hesitantly. He stops walking and looks deep into your eyes. " I... Want to tell you. How I feel about you. How I care for you more than any other cat." Before you can reply, he suddenly pulls you in closer. You blush. His muzzle gets so close to yours, you can feel his warm breath on your muzzle. Your heart beats faster as he licks your cheek. You:
  6. (If you hissed and ran away, he blocked your way) He leans in even closer and your lips touch. He kisses you, his tongue in your mouth. "We need to find somewhere private." He meows. He looks around and spots a bush that is just big enough for two cats. (If you try to get away, he grabs your scruff, but whatever you do, you two end up under the bush) "That's much better. Now we can begin..." He purred. He started mating with you. You:
  7. About a moon later, your stomach hurts. Really bad. You think you should go to the medicine den. You walk over, seeing the med apprentice, Rowanpaw, sorting through some herbs. "Hey, Cloudfrost!" He mews when he sees you. "Do you know where Bluedawn is?" You ask. "She's in the den." You go in and tell her what's wrong. She has an unexpected answer. Take part 3 to find out what it is! :D
  8. Okay guys bye! Thanks again for taking the quiz! And pls don't judge, im still new to this
  9. Sorry it needs more
  10. Btw none of the last few have been no effect
  11. Okay bye guys! Tysm!

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