Warrior cats love story (part five-warriorship

In this quiz you are taking a walk when something strange happens... Leafshine is forced to make hard choices... Life or death choices for a strange tom.

Ok so a little warning: My punctuation sucks and you'll see lowercase "I"s and another cliffhanger. and guys if you don't like these then don't take them.

Created by: Leafshine
  2. you decide to take a walk to help you think. as you walk a large red, bulky body slams into you and drags you into a hidden cave then pins you down.
  3. the tom rolls a boulder to block the exit. "I'm bloodclaw and I've noticed your beauty. I had to keep you to myself. I've also noticed those other toms." he snorts.
  4. He leans down and kisses you on the lips.
  5. Answer only if you kissed back) He steps off of you. that's the way I like it now do that everytime.
  6. Answer only if you jerked away) "so thats how you want it huh? well to bad!" he kisses you again.
  7. He kisses you but forces you to kiss back. "now you will do as I say or those toms will say bye bye to the clans and hello to starclan. I've spared them for now."
  8. "Hmmm next you shall become my slave. then become my mate in Bush clan then have my kits. simple."
  9. after many moons of being his slave, bloodclaw wants to join your clan.
  10. As you walk into the clearing of bush clan camp you see a wild... CLIFFHANGER

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