Cloudfrost's kits!(Part 3 of T.L.S.o.C!)

Hi! First things first, if you're wondering about the title what it means by T.L.S.o.C! It stands for The Love Story of Cloudfrost! I just thought the title would be too long otherwise.

Okay! Now. If you need a recap, it'll be on the first question. Make sure to take part 1 & 2 first, or else none of this will make sense. Thanks so much and have a great day/night!

Created by: Turtlenose
  1. Hey! If you remember, last quiz you felt a pain in your stomach. You went to the medicine den and she had an unexpected answer, but then there was a cliffhanger. (No effect)
  2. Bluedawn purrs. "Well? What's wrong with me?" You ask. "Nothing! There's nothing wrong with you. You're expecting kits, CloudfrostCloudfrost." She meows. You:
  3. You walk out of the den, looking for Stonewing. You spot him slipping out of the dirtplace tunnel and bound over. You:
  4. (If you screamed at him, skip this one. If you did not scream at him, do this one) His eyes lit up. "We are? That's wonderful news!" He purrs, rubbing his muzzle along yours and twine your tail with his.
  5. (If you screamed at him, do this one. If you did not, skip) Anger flashes in his blue eyes. "What do you mean you don't want kits?" He snarls. He digs his claws into the earth. You:
  6. A few moons pass, and now you're in the nursery. Suddenly an intense pain shoots through you, and you realized the kits are coming. You call Bluedawn in, and after a few hours all the kits are born. There are two toms and a she kit. Stonewing comes in and you:
  7. (If you told him to go away, he ignored you.) "We should name this kit Marblekit." He meows. He nudges one of the toms, a tortoiseshell. "And the she kit Aspenkit." You meow. If you are mad, you admit that he deserves the right to name one of his kits. "And the last tom should be named Featherkit." You say.
  8. One day about three moons later you leave the kits with another queen to go and take a walk. After a while, you run into Stonewing. "Hey, Cloudfrost." He meows.
  9. Suddenly CLIFFHANGER!
  10. Thanks bye!

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