Cloudfrost's kits! (Part 4 of T.L.S.o.C!)

Hi! Turtlenose here again! If you're wondering about the title, I explained that in last quiz. Make sure to do parts 1, 2 & 3 first! Bye! (Next one is just random letters)


Created by: Turtlenose
  1. Remember. Like most of my quizes, part 3 ended in a cliffhanger. You had left the kits with another queen and went for a walk, where you had met with Stonewing. You two were talking, but then something happened.(no effect)
  2. "Hey Cloudfrost." He mews. Suddenly he pounces on you and pins you down. "I like being a father." He growls in your ear. "You will give me more kits!" You:
  3. When he's done, he gets up and walks away, leaving you there alone. After about a half moon, you feel the same pain in your stomach as you did before you found out you were expecting kits the first time. You:
  4. Featherkit goes up to you and sees the distress/happiness in your eyes. "What's wrong Mama?" He asks. "Nothing, sweetie." You say, reassuring him. He runs after Aspenkit, pouncing on her tail. You:
  5. After a few moons, Aspenpaw, Featherpaw and Marblepaw are apprentices, and you just gave birth to two more kits, two she kits. Aspenpaw slips into the nursery. "Cloudfrost? May I see them?" She asks quietly. You reply:
  6. (if you said no, skip this. If you said yes or no jokingly, do this one) She padded over to the kits. "They're beautiful, mother." She purred. "Thank you. Would you... Like to name one?" You ask. Her eyes light up. "Really?" You nod. "Okay... Could I have some time to think please?" You say:
  7. (If you said no, do this one. Otherwise skip) Her eyes flash with sadness and hurt, and you feel guilty. "Well, I suppose..." You say hesitantly. She comes over and looks at the kits. "What are their names?" She asks. "I haven't named them yet. Would you like to name one of them?" (same thing happens with last one)
  8. At sunrise, you blink open your eyes to see Aspenpaw padding into the den. She's carrying a fat mouse in her jaws. She drops it at your feet. "I've got the perfect name for the light gray tabby." She meows quietly but excited. "Jadekit!" You:
  9. "What will you name the other kit?" Aspenpaw asked. She was a white she kit like Cloudfrost. "I think you should choose her name too." You meow. Aspenpaw thinks for a moment, then her eyes light up. "Frostkit! Like you!" She purred. You:
  10. Bye guys! Maybe I'll make another one soon, but for now bye! Thanks for taking my quiz!

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