Brightstars Prophecy: Part 4

Welcome to Part 4 of my quiz! In this quiz, you have kits! A new prophecy is rising…will you survive? There are lots of obstacles coming your way and you need to help your kits survive and help yourself too!

So, who will you get? Will you get Riverstar, Sunpelt, or Jaywing? Riverstar is a golden tabby tom with bright blue eyes, Sunpelt is a ginger tom with green eyes, and Jaywing is a silver tom with green eyes.

Created by: WarriorsLover66
  1. You woke up to see a long gash on your side. Even though it healed a lot, it was still an ugly sight against your flame-colored pelt. You called the medicine cat, Moonfrost. The medicine cat apprentice, but Duststorm came instead. You asked him what happened. He said that you lost too much blood and was unconscious for a while.
  2. You tell her about the prophecy Sparrowslash gave you before he died. “What?!” she mews in disbelief, “Moonfrost! Brightpool received a prophecy!” Moonfrost quickly rushes to the den and Duststorm tells her about the prophecy. A few moments later, Oakstar comes into the den.
  3. “Brightpool, I don’t know who RIverwing, Stormsky, Tigerpelt, or Rainsong are. But I have a theory. You’re expecting kits, right?” “Yes.” You answer Oakstar. Your stomach started to ache as he said this. “I think RIverwing, Tigerpelt, and Stormsky might be your future kits.”
  4. You start running out of the medicine den. “I’m going to get some fresh air.” You say. Oakstar nods. You hear him whisper to 123, who is trying to run after you, “Leave her alone. It’s a lot to take in that her future kits are part of a prophecy!”
  5. As you walked in the forest, it was calm and quiet. You came to a stream. You looked at the sky; it was dusk. Sunset was coming. Ignoring the pain in your belly, you padded out you the stream to watch the sunset. Fish, silver and white and brown and cream colored and gray swam in the pink-and-blue tinted water, reminding you of Sparrowslash’s pelt. The sun's few rays suddenly caught a blue fish's scales and gave the image of wings on the fish. Another ray caught a gray fish and made it look like a storm cloud.
  6. A black fish swam near the light and got a blue tint, dappled with blue like raindrops. And a brown fish looked like it had a tiger’s face on it. A voice whispered in your head. *When the peace is shattered, there will be the song of rain, the sky of the storm, the pelt of a tiger and together with the wing of river will banish the darkness that poisons the lake.* You inhaled sharply. The fish were normal now. *I'm hallucinating,* you thought and shook your had.
  7. You tried to run and tumbled over. Getting to your paws, you muttered a curse and ran as fast as possible to the medicine cat den, passing your mate, who smiled at you. Your stomach really ached now, and you wanted the medicine cat to check it out.
  8. You go to Moonfrost's den, another cough shaking you. Moonfrost looks up. "Everything alright?" "In my opinion, yes," you reply, "but 123 doesn't think so." You coughed again. "It's natural for him to be worried," Moonfrost commented. "Here." She pushed a poultice towards you. "Coltsfoot and tansy. Eat it." You lap up the bitter herbs and return to your nest. Normally you would walk around in camp, to check on the cats, but today you were just weary and tired, and you started sleeping, dreaming of your future kits.
  9. You wake the next morning to find the ground muddy and wet. Another cough wrecks your body. Oakstar, who was walking by, heard you. “Hello, my sweet Brightpool. Go back to the nursery, and I will get you some fresh-kill to eat.” You go back to the nursery. A few moments later, Oakstar comes in with a huge vole. You thankfully eat it and settle down to sleep, this time dreaming of nothing.
  10. When you wake up, you feel worse. Shudders run through your body. It isn't a cough this time. It's something else. You let out a wordless yowl of pain. 123 fetched Peachlight while Foxtail, another queen, checked on you, then rushed to get moss. Moonfrost came and gave you a stick. You shivered and squeezed the stick in your jaws as your first kit slid out, then the second. You though it was over, but another shudder ran through you and a third kit came. "Congratulations," Peachlight said. "Two she-kits and a tom." 123 came. "What will we name them, Brightpool?" he asked. "Riverkit," you say, pointing your muzzle to a golden tabby she-kit with green eyes. "Glowkit." You flicked your tail to a blue-gray tom kit with glowing green eyes. "And this will be Rainkit." turned to the last one, a silver she-kit with amber eyes. You purr, and he does the same. You think:
  11. You are given borage leaves --again-- and a bit of tansy in case the cough comes back. It didn't, luckily for you. Rainkit slashed her paws at a pretend enemy while Troutkit curled up and Riverkit looked around with wide eyes. They had opened their eyes quickly, but were still newborns and too young to wander. Just then, you see 4 cats. They were Moonfrost, Nighttail, Leafclaw, and another unknown cat. The unknown cat was a warrior, and he was from LightClan. He was just a kit, and he was a silver tabby. He was dragging a familiar pelt behind him. It was Oakstar! Oakstar was laying limp, and the kit put him down on the floor.
  12. The kit entered the nursery with Moonfrost. She came over to you. “Brightpool, can you take care of this kit? He was found at the NightClan border.” You nodded. “I’ll name you….Stormkit.”
  13. *That night* You were in a starry forest. A cat comes over to you. It was Oakstar. “Brightpool, we have all the prophecy cats. Riverkit, Stormkit, and Rainkit, are your kits. And Tigerkit will probably be Foxtail’s kit. Riverkit, Stormkit, and Rainkit have a great destiny ahead of them. Guide their steps wisely, Brightpool. Stay loyal to FlameClan forever.” Oakstar disappears. And….Cliffhanger!!!

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