The Streams Heart: Part 5

You are now a queen and have kits in this quiz! There are 5 toms: Flameheart, Leafstorm, Duskfur, Ripplestripe, and Sandpelt. I’m gonna make a story narrated by Sparkkit, where there will be a prophecy about her.
I going to call Sparkkit’s story “The Spark’s Storm”. Now for the recap! *Recap* Dovestar came to talk to you in StarClan. She gave you a prophecy. Brightstar announced the attack on TreeClan and you met Sandpelt. After the battle, you got Poppypaw as your apprentice and Flameheart got Poppypaw’s sister, Cloudpaw. The Gathering happened, and after that you picked your mate. Poppyheart and Cloudrose became warriors and you moved into the nursery.Finally, Softbreeze tells you that your kits will come in a quarter moon.