A BlueXThrush Love Story! Part 1

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Hey! So…I love the BlueXThrush ship. And I was thinking…what if they were actually a thing? The storyline would change in so many ways. And adding kits in the scene just makes it even better!

This is a story of love, hatred, romance….and is sadly, totally fake. This is also my first quiz, so be patient with me. There are 2 toms to love for now; Pinekit, brave and kind, and Nightkit, energetic but sneaky. Who will you choose? Find out here!

Created by: Echobreeze
  1. As you open your eyes, you spot a blue-gray she-cat standing above you. “Oh look! The she-cat has opened her eyes!” The she-cat, Bluefur, says. A sandy colored tom, Thrushpelt, rushes in, purring. “And so has the tom!” The tom..you realize you have a brother!
  2. “What shall we name them?” Says Bluefur. Thrushpelt thinks. Then he says, “How about Creekkit for the she-cat. Look at her pretty blue fur, like water.” You realize that you are Jaykit. “And Riverkit for the tom, because of….of the life I could have had with Oakheart.” Says Bluefur.
  3. A white and ginger kit comes in. “I didn’t think you guys would open your eyes. It took 2 MOONS!” Brindleface, his mom, lets out an amused purr. “But they did, Pinekit.”
  4. Then Pinekit turns to you. “Oh..uhh..sorry Creekkit. Anyway, do you want me to give you a tour of the camp? Or do you want Nightkit,” he gestures to the white and black kit, “To do that?”
  5. You had a lot of fun with whoever you chose, and they even licked your cheek at the end! Then, it soon came to the last stop on the tour, the apprentice den. “This is where I’ll be sleeping soon,” Said the tom of your choice. Suddenly, you notice another tom calmly pad out of the den.
  6. ("Oh my gosh, it’s Sunstars son!") You think. Sunstar’s son was named Bramblekit. His eyes were a bright gold. His pelt had was oaky red, a handsome dark ginger. You know that he was going to be made an apprentice soon, and was 3 moons older than you. Bramblekit sat down in front of you and purred. Your pelt started to feel hot.
  7. Nightkit came and said, “Oh..hey.” In a deep voice. “Bluefur wants you to come to the nursery for bed.” You then look at the sky, it was a nice orange, with pink fluffy clouds. You settle in to your nest, dreaming about….
  8. *Timeskip 3 moons, you are 5 moons old now* You are playing moss-ball with Nightkit, Pinekit, Riverkit, BramblePAW, and Nightkit’s siblings: Hazelkit(brown she-cat) and Shadekit(black she-cat). Who do you toss the ball to?
  9. After a few hours, Bluefur comes up. “Guess what Sunstar told me guys! You are becoming apprentices tomorrow!”
  10. Soon, after you hear this news, you see a dreadful sight. It is….
  11. Well, the first one is Hazelkit making out with Nightkit! You could clearly see her turn around and smirk at you. Nightkit had this swirling look in his eyes…
  12. And the second one was…Sunstar’s body. Lying in the middle of the camp. Featherwhisker immediately rushed over, putting herbs into his body, then Bluefur—no, BlueSTAR—ran over with Bramblepaw, they both buried their noses in his fur.
  13. *The next day* Bluestar came back, and said, “I am now Bluestar. The new deputy of ThunderClan will be…Redtail!” You clap and shout his name with the others and quickly begin to groom your fur for the ceremony.
  14. Soon, it was time. Since Hazelkit and Shadekit snook out of camp last night, and Shadekit got killed by a fox, Hazelkit’s ceremony was delayed by 2 moons. This was a good thing, because Hazelkit hated you. “Nightkit, Pinekit, Riverkit, and Creekkit, from now on, you will be known as Nightpaw, Pinepaw, Riverpaw, and Creekpaw!”
  15. “Nightpaw, your mentor will be Brindleface. Pinepaw, your mentor will be Adderfang. Riverpaw, your mentor will be—“ Bluestar pauses, and Riverpaw yells, “STOP!!” Everyone quietly murmurs to themselves. “I want to be Featherwhisker’s apprentice.” Bluestar says, “Are you okay with this, Featherwhisker?” He nods. “Then Riverpaw, your mentor will be Featherwhisker. And Creekpaw, your mentor will be Redtail.” Gently, you touch noses with Redtail. “I will do my best to make you proud.” Your murmur to him. Redtail purrs. “I know you will.” Bramblepaw starts to chant your names loudly.
  16. Just then, as you look in a bush, you spot piercing amber eyes looking at you. When you blink, they suddenly disappear! And…cliffhanger! Which OC of mine do you like best!

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