Warrior cat love story ; part 2

This is the second quiz for a Warrior cat love story! Anyway, you’ll be choosing between Flamekit, Icyrain, Snakepaw, Gordgepaw, and Applefoot. Thank you for coming

Recap: Your a kit and Dawnpaw wakes you up to ask if you wanted to play with Snakepaw and Curlpaw. You say yes and play moss tag with them. (My creation) You see Gordgepaw while doing so. Later on, you time skip and Moonfeather is having her kits and has two toms called Flamekit and Dustkit. You meet Applefoot and Icyrain, and then you become an apprentice.

Created by: Widowsight
  1. Okay, last time we left off you became an apprentice, correct?
  2. You wake up and stretch and see that Gordgepaw’s tail had rested on your flank. You lightly stand up and remember the great day you had when you patrolled the territory.
  3. You patter out to see Widowsight, a Smokey colored she-cat with silvery blue eyes, Applefoot, Foxfern, a pale gray she-cat with white paws, And cream colored she-cat with a gray tail, paws, and muzzle. “Okay, what are we doing today?” Snakepaw asked, appearing at your side. “Fighting practice, Gordgepaw is coming with,” the cream colored she-cat explained. “Rosesong, where is Gordgepaw anyway?” Foxfern flicked her ear. “Here!” Gordgepaw came out of the den. If you want to see everybody in the clan, look below.
  4. Leader: Yellowstar: Golden Tom with amber eyesDeputy: Birchfang: White tabby Tom with amber eyesMedicine cat: Perchpool: pale pink tabby Tom with yellow eyesApprentice: Curlpaw Warriors:Foxfern: Pale gray she-cat with white paws and yellow eyesApprentice: SnakepawWidowsight: Smokey colored she-cat with silvery blue eyesApprentice: Rainpaw Rosesong: cream colored she-cat with pale gray paws, tail and faceApprentice: GordgepawApplefoot: young brown tabby Tom with white paws and golden colored eyes Apprentice: Dawnpaw Icyrain: gray tabby Tom with white stripes, paws, and tail tip with blue eyes Opalflower: Blue-gray she-cat with green eyes Frostglare: pale gray tabby she-cat with frosty green eyesYour motherLightningstrike: dark gray tabby Tom with amber eyesYour fatherBreezefeather: Dusty colored she-cat with green eyesApprentices: Rainpaw: white tabby she-cat with amber eyes, Gordgepaw: dusty tabby Tom with blue eyes Snakepaw: gray tabby Tom with black stripes and green eyes, Dawnpaw: Dark gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes Curlpaw: pale tabby she-cat with green eyesQueens: Moonfeather: Ginger she-cat with blue eyesKits: Dustkit: pale golden tabby with blue eyes, Flamekit: rusty red…
  5. You all patter towards the battle clearing and Widowsight and Rosesong show you guys some basic defense moves. Then Gordgepaw used them on Applefoot. You notice he has a sort of ferocity that Cats use on the battle field. “Alright now you three try! Dawnkit, you’ll be with your sister, Snakepaw, you be with Gordgepaw.” As you start, you spring at Dawnpaw and she jumps away then jabs at you hard in the flank with her head. You stumble backward and she hisses into your ear. “Stay away from SNAKEPAW!” She says if you like him.” If you Don’t, you get up and she licks your ear.
  6. Foxfern and Applefoot show you guys another and this time, it’s you and Gordgepaw. He was the one to pin you down. You batter at his belly with your hind paws and shove him off. Dawnpaw wasn’t able to get Snakepaw off of her. Gordgepaw sneers at them and you two wait as Rosesong says enough. They show you a couple more battle moves and then, foxes burst into the clearing.
  7. A Fox jabs at your leg, the fox flings you across the clearing like a piece of fresh-kill. You stagger to your paws, your leg was bleeding slightly. There was five of them you counted, you look around and see Dawnpaw being pinned by a fox!
  8. Whatever you do, Snakepaw jumps at the fox’s flank and the fox scatters off of Dawnpaw. She staggers to her paws, her muzzle was torn and her ears were slit. Her chest had missing pieces of fur on it. Snakepaw licked her and leaped back. You whirl around to see a fox stalking you, you whip your claws at its face. It roars in agony and jumps at you, pinning you down. It clamped its jaws around your neck and you wiggle around, your attempts become weak and you go limp. Widowsight jumps at the fox, battering it away, you lay there. Panting for breath, your neck felt like it was on fire, you close your eyes and darkness shuts your vision.
  9. You wake up in the medicine cat’s den, everybody is crowding around you. You lift your head and flex your leg, it was stinging, but your neck felt better. You see that your leg is covered in cobwebs, and realize that it must of been infected. “Oh good, Rainpaw, your awake,” Curlpaw came in and sighed with relief. “So, what made you decide to be a medicine cat?” You ask. Curlpaw shrugged, “I dunno.” She sat next to you and mewed. “They we’re all very worried about you.” “I’m fine,” you roll your eyes and get to you paws. Curlpaw stared at you, “well, you better show them that or I won’t here the end of Gordgepaw.” “Gordgepaw?” You asked, surprised. “Yeah, Gordgepaw, he kept pestering me if you’d be okay.” Curlpaw mewed. You patter out of the den and your mother, Frostygaze, and your father, Lightningstrike, run towards you and ask you many questions.

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