Wolf love story, Morning Dews love part 3,(she-wolves only)

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It’s here! Part three is here! Is it just me, or does Jay keep staring at you? Blizzard wouldn’t stop talking about you. Swift was praising you. It’s getting pretty hot now, be careful.

If you’re new take part 1 and 2. Then you will understand the concept. Well, I know you just wanna get to the quiz so goodbye, for now. Have fun! <3 ;)

Created by: K K
  1. Finally, you’re fully recovered from the bear attack, you still miss Leafy, she was a loyal friend, but you have bigger problems now, another pack is trespassing on your land, you?
  2. You pack wins, but not without sacrifice, your mother is badly injured, and your brother is dead, some other wolves are crippled, you find out that Blizzard, Jay and Swift are hert, you?
  3. Your father tells you to go to Blizzard, before you can decide, no one knows how bad Blizzard is hert, but the healer wolf says he has a broken chest bone, Jay calls your name, you?
  4. What ever you chose, you’re father tells you to go to Jay now, w’all he works with Blizzard, you?
  5. Jay tells you that he has a disease, green clot, you’ve never heard of it, but he says it’s contagious, and deadly. You?
  6. Jay recovers completely, Blizzard and Swift are both good, Jay invites you to hunt with him, you?
  7. What ever you chose, Jay insists, so you give in, it is a nice day anyway, what are you thinking?
  8. Jay starts grooming you, you?
  9. That night someone took your sleeping place, where do you choose to sleep now?
  10. That’s it for now. You?

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