Wolf love story, Morning Dews love part 2,(she-wolves only)

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It’s finally here! Part two, that you all have been waiting for! And in case you’re new, you probably should check out part one. Ok so there is some sadness, because you’re best friend dies, (just thought you should know that) but other than that, have fun!

Jay, Blizzard and Swift are kinda competing against each other for your love, so choose wisely! And please watch out for part 3 and 4! ; ). Enjoy! <3

Created by: K K
  1. The Moon Festival is a huge success, you loved dancing, but the joy soon turns to sorrow as the news of the both the Alpha’s death. You?
  2. The next day the new leader is appointed, it’s your father, Pine! Your mother Windy is Alpha female! You?
  3. Your friend, Leafy, asks you if you want to still be friends with Jay, Blizzard and Swift, now that you are heir to the pack, you?
  4. The next day, Leafy, asks if you want to go hunting with her, you?
  5. Ether way, you go hunting, it ends up that Leafy, Jay, Blizzard, and Swift go hunting with you. You’re in the lead, suddenly a huge paw falls down on you, you yelp with pain, who do you call out to?
  6. The sun is shining brightly on your face, you hear clouded words around you, “What…what just happened.” You say. “She’s alive!” Jay yells. You.
  7. “A bear attacked you!” Blizzard replies. “We thought you were dead!” Swift says. “Where’s Leafy?” You ask. The look on your friends faces makes you worry. “What happened to Leafy?!” You yell. “She’s….she’s….she’s dead.” Swift says quietly. “What! No!” You cry. But it’s undoubtedly true. You?
  8. Sad, you visit Leafy’s grave, she was such a devoted friend to you, now she’s gone forever, but at least you might see her in the afterlife. What do you do at her grave?
  9. It’s over for now, ok?
  10. Did you like it so far?

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