Which Member of the Jade Winglet Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Which Member of the Jade Winglet Are You?
Your Result: Carnelian 80%
resultYou're Carnelian! You're fierce, loyal to the causes you think are right, and not focused on things you consider "boring." You'd rather be fighting and making a difference rather than just sitting and taking notes for a class. Despite this, you often find yourself worrying about never being able to live your dream and others thinking poorly of you. You typically hide your feelings with a mask of annoyance of rage, and struggle with understanding others that are different from you. But deep down, your fierce loyalty, strength, and the prospect of fulfilling your dream are the things that keep you going. My 2nd closet match that exiled Icewing. I am ashamed i am even similar to winter.
Which Member of the Jade Winglet Are You?
Your Result: Qibli 78%
resultYou're Qibli! You're observant, humorous, and incredibly intelligent. You're very skilled with problem solving and are very enthusiastic and supportive. You're quite optimistic and are always looking for the best possible outcome in any situation. You're very open-minded and willing to admit when you're wrong, and would sacrifice anything to protect those you love. Despite this, you often find yourself struggling with what others think of you and wish to be loved by everybody. You typically blame yourself when a mistake is made, even if it isn't your fault. But deep down, you're a loving and charming person with an awesome sense of humor and a compassionate nature.
75% Winter
53% Carnelian
40% Moonwatcher
32% Kinkajou
21% Turtle
6% UmberI am so happy I got qibli because qibli is the best.
Same, Qibli's AWESOME!
Winter,I am exactly like her. I am very determined to achieve my goals and dreams as well as having frustration as my biggest weakness of mine. Cool quiz mate.
Winter is a boy, just to let you know!
Which Member of the Jade Winglet Are You?
Your Result: Carnelian-
Ha ha I overlooked Carnelian in the books
Same XD
Im Winter so true and my second match is kinkajou
Qibli is one of the best characters in the world.
Google: "Qibli is a hot desert wind"
Me: I don't think Qibli is a desert wind but I do think that they are hot.
XD I'm dead, YESSSS
I am qibli simp
I can tell. But we all are, so it's fine.
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