Which Harry Potter character are you...really? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Harry Potter character are you...really?
Sirius Black. I'll take it.
Lord Voldemort. And I said that I wasn't a leader.
4 percent Harry Potter too.
azhou11 -
I got Bellatrix. I knew it!! I love Bellatrix
Bloody hell I got Ron! He's my favorite character in the series! Great quiz.
And if I change my first answer to 'evil' I get Voldemort!
Pathabeo1 -
Dumbledore, with Voldemort in second place.
I got Hermione Granger! She's my favourite and I do resemble her. Fantastic quiz! 10/10 :)
Try my new uiz "What is your body shape?!" x
ange1 -
I got Sirius! Aw, I absolutely love him! Pretty sad to see Draco the least though :(
I got Harry potter I just wow y'know
WTF?! Sirius Black? Please, I am nothing like him.
Ohhhhhhhhhh! I got Draco Malfoy! I always used to get Dumbledore, Harry, or Hermione until now! *cries*
Natalya1 -
I am alone
ipeed1 -
Oh my god ha ha I got Voldemort
I got Draco again.
Dross1 -
Sirius! Woohoo. He always interested me.
Hi can you come check our mg new quiz"Are young good eater" I hope you like it its only my second
Fox19971 -
Sorpresivamente empatada con Hermione y la profesora McGonagall.
Adaya2 -
Draco Malfoy...
Lol! I got Harry Potter
I got Voldemort 100%.
I'm Tom Riddle/Voldemort..
imabee1 -
Really, it suits my GoToQuiz username, I am 85% Hermione Jean Granger, and 84% Minerva McGongall!
95% Alfred Pericival Something Something Dumblebore
69% Mine rva McGonagall
65% Hermione Jean Granger
58% Severus Snape
49% Sirius Black
47% Harry James Potter
46% Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort"
29% Bellatrix Lestrange
24% Ronald Bilius Weasley
14% Draco Malfoy -
91% Sirius Black!!!!! He is my fave!!!!! No, actually, I'm serous!!!! Lol