Quizzy Queenie's Profile
Quizzy Queenie
Joined on Mar 5, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Quizzy Queenie's Recent Quiz Comments
"95% Alfred Pericival Something Something Dumblebore
69% Mine rva McGonagall
65% Hermione Jean Granger
58% Severus…"1 -
"Herd Islander"
1 -
"67%. Oky-doke. I'm going to go board up my windows now. Just kidding!"
1 -
"You know what? Maybe you can keep the kid and pretend it's your little sibling until you're ready to be the mom! And if your parents…"
1 -
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are your parents going to help you?"