Dross's Profile
Joined on Dec 17, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Dross's Quizzes
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Dross's Recent Posts
"I think Draco malfoy is so awesome in the movie and he's cute my friend thinks so 2!!!"
"I saw Reck it Ralph the first day it came out and it was cute the parts I saw I was sitting next to a hot guy"
Dross's Recent Quiz Comments
"100% I'm acually Irish so wow "
1 -
"I'm Emily but my name is Sarah I was named after my dead grandmother"
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"Dang whisk there was black but what eves I got red copse enofe"
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"10-20 that's basiclly how old I am"
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"I got Draco again. "
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"I got Niall horn my fav he is so hot and he's Irish like me"
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"I got malfoy yeah"
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"Ha ha I got warewolf yha"