How old are you really?

Many people think they know their age. However in reality, people have two different ages: their actual age, and their mental age. Your mental age is made up of your interests and thoughts, and how mature they are.

What is your mental age? Higher, lower, or about the same? This quiz will calculate your mental age, and describe your characteristics and the type of person you are.

Created by: MissPiggie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I am going to say a word or phrase and you have to say your opinion, or whether you have heard of it. If you have no opinion or haven't heard of it, then put neutral. First one: Facebook...
  2. Nature walks...
  3. Texting...
  4. Popping candy...
  5. Jane Eyre...
  6. Politics...
  7. A movie night in...
  8. Roald Dahl...
  9. Smiley faces :)....
  10. Flirting...
  11. OK, next section. Pick a colour.
  12. Pick a number.
  13. Smile. Did you do this?

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Quiz topic: How old am I really?