Which Harry Potter character are you...really? | Comments

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  • Which Harry Potter character are you...really?

    Your Result: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


    "The Puppet Master", thought to be the greatest wizard of all time. Dumbledore had a knack for organizing master plans predicting innumerable variables at a time...correctly. Willing to put his life down for the good of the world. "If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns, should do it, I think."

    OK, how do you know his entire name?

  • Your Result: Harry James Potter 85%

    "The Hero", brave and loyal, a true Gryffindor. From "The Boy Who Lived" to "The Chosen One", there wasn't a child in his world who didn't know his name. Often time refused help from his friends so that they wouldn't get hurt. Humble enough to admit that he wasn't exceptionally gifted yet bold enough to try anyways. "Come on Tom let's finish the way we started!!!"

    84% Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
    77% Sirius Black
    70% Ronald Bilius Weasley
    61% Minerva McGonagall
    59% Hermione Jean Granger
    57% Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort"
    57% Severus Snape
    50% Bellatrix Lestrange
    47% Draco Malfoy

    lord bowden CGP
  • Your Result: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

    "The Puppet Master", thought to be the greatest wizard of all time. Dumbledore had a knack for organizing master plans predicting innumerable variables at a time...correctly. Willing to put his life down for the good of the world. "If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns, should do it, I think."

    A little old, but OKAY

  • "The Brains", exceptionally intelligent. "50 points for the cool use of intellect when others are in grave peril." Known for being an "insufferable know it all" to her enemies and, "bloody brilliant" to her friends. Independent as a woman, often an unsung hero in the trio. "Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed - or worse, expelled."

  • Your Result: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


    "The Puppet Master", thought to be the greatest wizard of all time. Dumbledore had a knack for organizing master plans predicting innumerable variables at a time...correctly. Willing to put his life down for the good of the world. "If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns, should do it, I think."

    Pyra Potter
  • Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort" 85%

    "He-Who-Must -Not-Be-Named", arguably the most powerful wizard of all time. Exceptionally cunning, persuasive, and naturally gifted, he has an immeasurable thirst to prove himself. The epitome of evil, this man disregards the boundaries of known magic and very nearly acquires the ability to "live forever." His single downfall is that he couldn't comprehend the power of Love. "Harry Potter, the boy who lived... come to die. Avada Kedavra!"

    Draco Malfoy 65%
    Severus Snape 61%
    Minerva McGonagall 59%
    Hermione Jean Granger 54%
    Sirius Black 49%
    Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore 39%
    Bellatrix Lestrange 32%
    Ronald Bilius Weasley 16%
    Harry James Potter
    (I get it :D)

    Uta chan
  • Your Result: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

    "The Puppet Master", thought to be the greatest wizard of all time. Dumbledore had a knack for organizing master plans predicting innumerable variables at a time...correctly. Willing to put his life down for the good of the world. "If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns, should do it, I think."


  • our Result: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


    result"The Puppet Master", thought to be the greatest wizard of all time. Dumbledore had a knack for organizing master plans predicting innumerable variables at a time...correctly. Willing to put his life down for the good of the world. "If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns, should do it, I think."

  • Your Result: Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort"

    "He-Who-Must-No t-Be-Named", arguably the most powerful wizard of all time. Exceptionally cunning, persuasive, and naturally gifted, he has an immeasurable thirst to prove himself. The epitome of evil, this man disregards the boundaries of known magic and very nearly acquires the ability to "live forever." His single downfall is that he couldn't comprehend the power of Love. "Harry Potter, the boy who lived... come to die. Avada Kedavra!"

    LOOOL i got voldemort;)

  • Your Result: Minerva McGonagall (84%)

    Introduced as a cautious cat McGonagall transfigures showing a bold and exceptionally powerful wizard, this irony clad teacher doubles as an iron clad warrior. "That doesn't mean we can't delay him. And his name is Voldemort, so you might as well use it, he's going to try and kill you either way."

  • "The Puppet Master", thought to be the greatest wizard of all time. Dumbledore had a knack for organizing master plans predicting innumerable variables at a time...correctly. Willing to put his life down for the good of the world. "If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns, should do it, I think." this is soo me when i guess about something or whats goin to happen next ima all ways right even if i dont explain the hole thing, im still right on the money and i will always put my life on line to save the ones that i love! so i give this quiz a 5* rating !!!! it truly desurvers it!!!!

  • Su resultado: Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort"


    "El-que-no-debe-ser-nombrado", posiblemente el mago ms poderoso de todos los tiempos. Excepcionalmente astuto, persuasivo y dotado por naturaleza, tiene una sed inconmensurable de demostrar su vala. El eptome del mal, este hombre ignora los lmites de la magia conocida y casi adquiere la capacidad de "vivir para siempre". Su nica cada es que no poda comprender el poder del amor. "Harry Potter, el nio que vivi ... vino a morir. ¡Avada Kedavra!"

  • OMG i am a girl! and i got this Which Harry Potter character are you...really?

    Your Result: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


    "The Puppet Master", thought to be the greatest wizard of all time. Dumbledore had a knack for organizing master plans predicting innumerable variables at a time...correctly. Willing to put his life down for the good of the world. "If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns, should do it, I think."

    90% Severus Snape
    84% Minerva McGonagall
    81% Sirius Black
    80% Hermione Jean Granger
    61% Harry James Potter
    58% Bellatrix Lestrange
    43% Ronald Bilius Weasley
    36% Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort"
    13% Draco Malfoy

    I really did like Professor Dumbledore best out of all.

    • how is that bad? Dumbledore is one of the strongest wizards...

      Dream SMP is pog
  • Your Result: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore 90%

    "The Puppet Master", thought to be the greatest wizard of all time. Dumbledore had a knack for organizing master plans predicting innumerable variables at a time...correctly. Willing to put his life down for the good of the world. "If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns, should do it, I think."

    Minerva McGonagall 84%
    Hermione Jean Granger 80%
    Severus Snape 73%
    Sirius Black 63%
    Harry James Potter 61%
    Bellatrix Lestrange 58%
    Ronald Bilius Weasley 53%
    Draco Malfoy 22%
    Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort" 21%

  • Your Result: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


    "The Puppet Master", thought to be the greatest wizard of all time. Dumbledore had a knack for organizing master plans predicting innumerable variables at a time...correctly. Willing to put his life down for the good of the world. "If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns, should do it, I think."

    55% Ronald Bilius Weasley
    54% Harry James Potter
    47% Minerva McGonagall
    46% Hermione Jean Granger
    44% Severus Snape
    42% Sirius Black
    39% Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort"
    31% Draco Malfoy
    30% Bellatrix Lestrange

  • "The Puppet Master", thought to be the greatest wizard of all time. Dumbledore had a knack for organizing master plans predicting innumerable variables at a time...correctly. Willing to put his life down for the good of the world. "If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns, should do it, I think."

  • EFFECTIVE AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER ONLINE... This has really worked and I am proud to testify of it. I saw a post on how a lady got her man back by Dr. Happy . My Husband and I have been separated for 3 years and some months. Although I never believed in spiritual work I reluctantly tried him because I was desperate and his spell worked perfectly. My man is back and now my relationship is now perfect just as Dr. Happy promised me when I contacted him for help . Getting your ex back permanently does not only bring back someone you love back, but it will also re-ignite your lover’s feelings for you to be as happy with that person as possible. My man now treats me like a queen and always says he loves me all the time. If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Email him for urgent help.

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  • EFFECTIVE AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER ONLINE... This has really worked and I am proud to testify of it. I saw a post on how a lady got her man back by Dr. Happy . My Husband and I have been separated for 3 years and some months. Although I never believed in spiritual work I reluctantly tried him because I was desperate and his spell worked perfectly. My man is back and now my relationship is now perfect just as Dr. Happy promised me when I contacted him for help . Getting your ex back permanently does not only bring back someone you love back, but it will also re-ignite your lover’s feelings for you to be as happy with that person as possible. My man now treats me like a queen and always says he loves me all the time. If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Email him for urgent help.

    Call-WHATSAPP; +234(706) (8494) (711)
    Email: [no emails]

  • Your Result: Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort"


    "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named", arguably the most powerful wizard of all time. Exceptionally cunning, persuasive, and naturally gifted, he has an immeasurable thirst to prove himself. The epitome of evil, this man disregards the boundaries of known magic and very nearly acquires the ability to "live forever." His single downfall is that he couldn't comprehend the power of Love. "Harry Potter, the boy who lived... come to die. Avada Kedavra!"

    58% Draco Malfoy
    43% Bellatrix Lestrange
    38% Sirius Black
    36% Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
    22% Harry James Potter
    22% Severus Snape
    20% Ronald Bilius Weasley
    4% Minerva McGonagall
    4% Hermione Jean Granger

    • Yikes

    • Did that strike you like a punch in the gut, were you dissapointed, or just like, "Oh." ?

  • Eroul, curajos i loial, un adevrat Gryffindor. De la Biatul care a trit la Alesul, nu a existat niciun copil n lumea lui care s nu-i cunoasc numele. Adesea, timpul a refuzat ajutorul prietenilor si pentru a nu fi rnii. Destul de umil nct s recunoasc c nu era excepional de dotat, dar suficient de ndrzne pentru a ncerca oricum. Hai, Tom, hai s terminm come am nceput!!!

    90% Ronald Bilius Weasley
    86% Sirius Black
    73% Hermione Jean Granger
    72% Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
    69% Minerva McGonagall
    66% Ghicitoare Tom Marvolo Lord Voldemort
    65% Severus Snape
    58% Bellatrix Lestrange
    27% Draco Malfoy

  • Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort" 79%

    "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named", arguably the most powerful wizard of all time. Exceptionally cunning, persuasive, and naturally gifted, he has an immeasurable thirst to prove himself. The epitome of evil, this man disregards the boundaries of known magic and very nearly acquires the ability to "live forever." His single downfall is that he couldn't comprehend the power of Love. "Harry Potter, the boy who lived... come to die. Avada Kedavra!"

    66% Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
    58% Bellatrix Lestrange
    57% Draco Malfoy
    44% Sirius Black
    35% Severus Snape
    32% Minerva McGonagall
    30% Hermione Jean Granger
    30% Harry James Potter
    10% Ronald Bilius Weasley

  • Your Result: Minerva McGonagall 92%

    Introduced as a cautious cat McGonagall transfigures showing a bold and exceptionally powerful wizard, this irony clad teacher doubles as an iron clad warrior. "That doesn't mean we can't delay him. And his name is Voldemort, so you might as well use it, he's going to try and kill you either way."

    90% Hermione Jean Granger
    82% Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
    82% Severus Snape
    74% Sirius Black
    55% Harry James Potter
    46% Ronald Bilius Weasley
    37% Bellatrix Lestrange
    19% Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort"
    3% Draco Malfoy

    Dream SMP is pog
  • Your Result: Ronald Bilius Weasley

    88% "The Friend", seldom recognized as the hero but oftentimes an indispensible part of the story. Exceptionally loyal and charmingly witty. "You see it, don't you, Harry? Once I make my move, the Queen will take me. Then you're free to check the King."

  • Your Result: Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort"


    "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named", arguably the most powerful wizard of all time. Exceptionally cunning, persuasive, and naturally gifted, he has an immeasurable thirst to prove himself. The epitome of evil, this man disregards the boundaries of known magic and very nearly acquires the ability to "live forever." His single downfall is that he couldn't comprehend the power of Love. "Harry Potter, the boy who lived... come to die. Avada Kedavra!"

    72% Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
    50% Bellatrix Lestrange
    47% Draco Malfoy
    44% Severus Snape
    41% Minerva McGonagall
    39% Hermione Jean Granger
    35% Sirius Black
    22% Harry James Potter
    12% Ronald Bilius Weasley
    Where all my Voldemort people at??

  • wtf I got sirius :v

    Which Harry Potter character are you...really?

    Your Result: Sirius Black 74%

    result"Padfo ot", this man is the epitome of loyal. He secretly made himself an animagus to keep one of his best friends company when he mutated into a werewolf. He endured twelve years in Azkaban until he could avenge his best friends' betrayal. Sirius turned his back on his own family due to their obsession with being pure-blood and their evil allegiances. Being the only member of his family to be sorted into a house other than Slytherin set him apart almost as much as him taking in the Dark Lord's sworn enemy. Sirius is devastatingly cunning, being a creator of the Marauder's Map and the first wizard to ever escape from Azkaban. However he is also reckless and hungry for attention, a flashy show boater of a magician that puts his values over that of the law, Sirius had no problems standing out even amongst the best wizards. "I would have died! I would have died rather than betray my friends, as we would have done for you!"

    69% Bellatrix Lestrange
    65% Ronald Bilius Weasley
    62% Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort"
    62% Severus Snape
    59% Hermione Jean Granger
    58% Minerva McGonagall
    51% Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
    47% Draco Malfoy
    39% Harry James Potter


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