Which character from "The Changeling" are you?

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"The Changeling," written by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley, is a dark tragedy set in Alicante, Spain. The story revolves around Beatrice Joanna, who falls in love with Alsemero despite being betrothed to Alonzo de Piracquo. To be with Alsemero, Beatrice enlists her father's sinister servant, De Flores, to murder Alonzo. De Flores, driven by his obsessive love for Beatrice, commits the murder and demands her body as payment. This leads to a series of morally complex and tragic events. As the play progresses, Beatrice and De Flores descend into guilt and madness, culminating in their deaths. Alongside this main plot, a comedic subplot involving a madhouse adds layers of irony and commentary on sanity and deception. "The Changeling" explores themes of desire, manipulation, and the consequences of immoral actions, showcasing the darker facets of human nature.

In Thomas Middleton and William Rowley's "The Changeling," the story of Beatrice Joanna, Alsemero, and De Flores unfolds with tragic intensity. Beatrice Joanna, a noblewoman, falls passionately in love with Alsemero, despite being engaged to Alonzo de Piracquo. Desperate to be with Alsemero, Beatrice enlists her father's disfigured and sinister servant, De Flores, to murder Alonzo. De Flores, who harbors an obsessive and unrequited love for Beatrice, agrees to commit the murder, but demands her body as payment for his deed. Caught in a web of deceit and manipulation, Beatrice is forced to comply, leading both her and De Flores into a spiral of guilt and madness. Alsemero, unaware of the full extent of the treachery, becomes entangled in the aftermath. The tragic tale explores themes of desire, betrayal, and the devastating consequences of immoral actions, culminating in the downfall of all three characters.

Created by: Jessica
  1. What do you value most in a relationship?
  2. Are you a good judge of character?
  3. When something goes wrong, do you:
  4. Do you prefer being a leader or a follower?
  5. What do you consider the most before making a decision?
  6. Do you tend to follow your head or your heart?
  7. How gullible would you say you are?
  8. When faced with a problem, do you:
  9. Which of these do you value most?
  10. How good are you at deceiving others?

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Quiz topic: Which character from "The Changeling" am I?
