Which Changeling character are you?

Take this quiz to find out which changeling character you would be based on your personality! Answer a few simple questions to reveal which character displays similar character traits as you

Questions will mainly revolve around morals and principles and how you handle certain circumstances and situations in life to see which character you are most similar to

Created by: Diaphanta
  1. How do you handle a moral dilemma?
  2. What is your approach to relationships?
  3. What is your greatest strength?
  4. How do you react to betrayal?
  5. What is your ultimate goal in life?
  6. Which of these traits best describe you?
  7. How do you handle conflict?
  8. What do you value most in others?
  9. How do you deal with unexpected challenges?
  10. What motivates your actions the most?

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Quiz topic: Which Changeling character am I?
