Which Changeling character are you?

Changeling is play written by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley. There are paralle plots, with the main plot in Alicante ("Alligant") focuses on Beatrice-Joanna; Alonzo, to whom she is betrothed; and Alsemero, whom she loves. To rid herself of Alonzo, Beatrice makes De Flores (who secretly loves her) murder him. This, predictably, has a tragic outcome. The sub-plot in the madhouse involves Alibius and his young wife Isabella. Franciscus and Antonio are in love with her and pretend to be a madman and a fool, respectively, to see her. Lollio also wants her. This ends comically.

The characters in this play are very different and unique from one another. Their personalities tend to collide and create problems. Take this test and see which changeling character you are similar to !

Created by: clara and jeslyn
  1. Your ideal partner is someone who…
  2. what traits do i hate..?
  3. If someone betrays me i would..?
  4. what do i like about myself..?
  5. which job is best suited for me?
  6. my life would be easier if..?
  7. my goal in life is to..?
  8. my loyalty lies in…?
  9. if i hate someone i would…?
  10. how do you feel about change?

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Quiz topic: Which Changeling character am I?
