What Harry Potter character are you?

Harry Potter. One of the biggest stories ever! And it will be for centuries. It is such a life changeling story. None of our lives are like his!!!!!!!

What Harry Potter character are you most like? Do u really want to know? Than click on this quiz! You will get your answer in no time, and then you can tell all your friends!

Created by: Steph
  1. What mostly describes you
  2. What house fits you best
  3. If a ogre was coming near you, you would...
  4. In your free time you like to...
  5. Do you take risks?
  6. Are you snobby
  7. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character
  8. What is your favorite color
  9. Would you ever say something bad about dumbledoor?
  10. Do you love animals

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Quiz topic: What Harry Potter character am I?