The Changeling quiz

this quiz will ask you whether or not you are one of three characters in the changeling. between Beatrice, Alsemero and Alonzo, who do you think best represents you?

this changeling quiz is super cool and the requirements are that we need to have a lot characters on this paragraph so this is just here for filler so

Created by: chaz
  1. A man is drowning in front of you. How would you help him?
  2. What do you value most?
  3. What would your dream job be?
  4. What would you do if your partner cheated on you?
  5. What character in King Lear best describes you?
  6. What superhero would you be?
  7. What trait do people usually describe you?
  8. What matters the most to you in life?
  9. Was our quiz good?
  10. Who has the most aura?

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