Which Angry Birds Villain are you?

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Welcome to being a villain and capture that red bird, someone like regular show and also, you wanted to do this survey with 11 questions with the last question being the best of the best for last.

Wanted to be the best of the best in 2021? Take this survey and see what character from angry birds you got? See what you mostly got for yourself? Please…

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. How old are you when angry birds existed?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. How often you get into trouble?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. Bird or Pig?
  6. Which Spongebob character you like?
  7. Mario or Luigi?
  8. Are you focused?
  9. Are you a slacker?
  10. Do you say caw or snort?
  11. The Best and Last question to save… Do you look mostly similar to the hulk?

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Quiz topic: Which Angry Birds Villain am I?
