Which Chuck the Cowardly Angry Bird character are you?

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We interrupt this quiz with chuck the cowardly bird show, with chuck the cowardly angry bird. Which one of the three main characters are you and see what you really are?

Left as a young bird, he was found by lowercase q, who live in the middle of nowhere with her husband, predaking. But creepy stuff happens in nowhere, it is up to chuck to save his own home…

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What’s your favorite color?
  3. Are you a transformer?
  4. What animal are you?
  5. Choose a Spongebob character.
  6. Are you very big?
  7. Are you triangle shaped?
  8. Do you like Disney Pixar cars?
  9. Are you that fast?
  10. Do you originate on TV?

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Quiz topic: Which Chuck the Cowardly Angry Bird character am I?
