Which Disney Pixar cars character are you?

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The best universe of annoying orange has begun… angry birds as well… which character from cars are mostly like? Take this survey and see what you get!

Are you a fan of Disney Pixar cars? See what you get in the annoying orange universe? Are you a guy from cars? Take it and see what you get? Are you a fan of cars? What would you get?

Created by: Ao100909
  1. Is your wife good at playing the harp?
  2. If you wife named Lucy?
  3. Does you wife like yellow submarine?
  4. Does your wife like Disney princesses?
  5. What is your wife’s favorite color?
  6. Does you wife like the Beatles?
  7. Does your wife speak Portuguese?
  8. Does your wife like the alphabet?
  9. Does your wife have a younger sister?
  10. Does your wife like the color pink?
  11. Last question… What is your favorite number?

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Quiz topic: Which Disney Pixar cars character am I?
