What type of a villain are you?

Hello. I think that everyone has heard a fairy tale at least one time in their life. Whether it was about a warrior princess and an evil dragon or a tricky queen and a witch who ate children, it does not matter.

But have you ever wondered what type of a villain you would be? Try to think like a villain in this quiz, and you will find out. Have fun! 🧙🏻‍♀️🖤🐈⬛

Created by: Lisha
  1. One day, you were watching the wonderful world and decided to fill it with misery and fear. First, you have to choose your villainic secret headquarters. What do you choose?
  2. Suddenly, you realize that you will need some help with achieving your goals. Will you have a sidekick?
  3. Next, you decide to spread some terror. How will you do it?
  4. After a successful start, you have to set your goals. What is your first villainic wish?
  5. After learning your intentions, there is a man who wants to stop you. How do you deal with him?
  6. Somehow, you capture his best friend. What do you do?
  7. It seems like the man will defeat you. What do you do about it?
  8. Good news, the man does not know what to do. How do you celebrate?
  9. Oh no, your final fight came. Where does it take place?
  10. Good job on thinking as a villain!

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Quiz topic: What type of a villain am I?
