Which Disney Villain are You?

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This quiz will test you to see what Disney Villain are you most like. I made this quiz for fun and is meant to be enjoyed. Have fun seeing which evil villain is your counterpart.

If you want you could do some trivia by answering the question and trying to get a specific villain. if you do the possible results are as followed: Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Scar, Jafar, Lady Tremaine, Ursula, Gaston, Mother Gothel.

Created by: HaroldOfThisQuiz
  1. What is your weapon of choice?
  2. What is your best quality?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. What is your favorite type of animal?
  5. How would you get back at your enemies?
  6. What would you look for in a henchman/sidekick?
  7. What do you hate the most?
  8. What is the best motive to be evil?
  9. What is your greatest fear?
  10. What would your ideal lair be?

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Quiz topic: Which Disney Villain am I?
