which ever after high character are u?

i only contained 12 characters in this quiz. Ceader wood Cerise Hood, Kitty Cheshire , Daughter of the mad Hatter are not in my results. sorry. but the rest of the 12 like Ashlyn , apple , raven, are all in my quiz. hope you in enjoy it!!

Ever After High is a boarding school located in the Fairy Tale World. It is attended by the teenage children of fairy tale characters. The main characters are Raven Queen, who does not want to be evil like her mother the Evil Queen, and Apple White, the daughter of Snow White who wishes to live "happily ever after". Raven prefers to be free to create her own destiny, while Apple, in order to protect her and others own destiny, believes that Raven should become the next Evil Queen. The students are generally divided between two groups. The "Royals" are the students who side with Apple in embracing their destinies and following in their parents' footsteps. The "Rebels" are the students who side with Raven in wanting to create their own destinies.

Created by: elle lady
  1. Rebel or Royal
  2. Do you want to be part of Alice in wonderland
  3. your gender
  4. Your zodiac sign
  5. Your zodiac sign
  6. yes or no
  7. do you want to follow your parents footsteps?
  8. choose a teacher
  9. if you had to pick someone as your enemy at school, who would it be?
  10. Music or Art?
  11. so ... i'm not an expert expert at this quiz, so if you didn't get the answer you want, please don't blame me hehe
  12. Last question: hqjsgqhsusvxbahshabsjakabamskxl?
  13. We're done now click one below and hit Submit

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