how well do you know EVER AFTER HIGH??

Ever After High is a boarding school located in the Fairy Tale World. It is attended by the teenage children of fairy tale characters. there are 14 questions in total.

I really like ever after high, especially that episode: way to wonderland and Dragon games. Hehe. My favorite character is Kitty Cheshire and bunny blanc. What's yours? Leave a comment after the quiz.

Created by: Ever after Royal
  1. What is Maddie's(Madeline Hatter) middle name?
  2. When is apple's birthday?
  3. What is the name of the episode when Kitty Cheshire found out Ceries hood's secret?
  4. What is Ceries's Secret
  5. What is the name of Maddie and melody piper's dragon in dragon games ?
  6. here is an easy one... what does Lizzy often say?
  7. now we are doing a Royal and rebel quiz( for this one press roybel).
  8. Poppy O'hair is a...
  9. Farrah goodfairy
  10. Lizzy Hearts
  11. Raven Queen
  12. Elle Lady
  13. Bunny Blanc
  14. Ok quiz is over! press the theme song of dragon games and we're done here!!!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know EVER AFTER HIGH??
