Which Angry Birds villain are you?

We limited it down to try favorite angry birds villains and see which one of the famous villains are you and have fun with angry birds and see are you one of the best ones or not?

Do you want to be a villain after all? Take this angry birds survey and see what you are gonna be? Have fun being angry and capture that red bird or you’re fired.

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Which spongebob character you like?
  3. Which regular show character you like?
  4. Which sonic character you like?
  5. Do you originate in angry birds?
  6. What animal are you?
  7. Pick a gumball character.
  8. Pick a pocoyo character.
  9. Do you like annoying orange or pear?
  10. Pick a Star Wars character.

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Quiz topic: Which Angry Birds villain am I?
