What scene are you?

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Hello, are you a scenekid? Well if yes, this quiz is totally for u! I'm a scene kid who makes these kind of quizzes! Hope you enjoy finding out what scene you truly are!

WARNINGS:None of the result photos are mineThis quiz is more dedicated to females, but obviously if you're a male it doesn't matter. The result isn't completely accurate, you might not get satisfied by it at all.

Created by: TotallyOfficialGir
  1. Let's start! If you could travel in time, where'd you go?
  2. Let's make an outfit! Let's see.... What shirt?
  3. Skirt? (Sorry if you don't like skirts)
  4. Accessories?
  5. Now "wEiRd QuEsTiOnS tHaT DoN'T hAvE aNyThInG tO dO wItH tHe rEsUlTs"How was your day?
  6. You open your door on a rainy and cold day, who do you want to see outside?
  7. Your crush invites you to a party. Oh no! His/Her gf/bf is trying to get his/her attention! What do you do?
  8. Your friend makes Kandi bracelets and decides to make you some bracelets for your b'day! Choose the main color.
  9. Now what is it's additional color?
  10. Your birthday is today! Congratulations! It's a themed party, now, choose what is the theme!

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Quiz topic: What scene am I?
