Battle for your life part 2 (for girls)

Ok sorry I took so long! So this was wrote on low battery and I bet when I finish this my battery will totally be dead! Like dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok sorry next paragraph

Ok so this has a fight scene! Yeah I like fight scenes and I enjoy righting this stuff for you peoples I really do! and just saying this was inspired by a dream I had/real life/paranormal love

Created by: Bluegirl
  1. Ok so when we left off nick leaned in and... kissed you! His lips felt warm and soft then he let go blushing and said “sorry I should go” then he ran off
  2. You walk over to class and sit down next to Maiah (yes she stopped making out with kwan) Maiah says “hi belle!” Then she hugs you “m-Maiah t-to t-tight” you say struggling to breath “oh sorry belle” Maiah says then the teacher walks in “today we are going to learn blah blah blah blah blah” the teacher says (he doesn’t really say blah blah blah blah blah)
  3. **TIME SKIP** “ok kids have a good lunch” the teacher says you go to lunch and see Maiah making out with kwan so you look around and see
  4. You see nick making out with a girl!!!
  5. The girl has blonde hair and blue eyes nick pulls back and slaps her “Stella!! You b**** I hate you! I like belle not you!” Nick yells in her face
  6. “Nick! you like that piece of s***!!” Stella yells back “ummm that piece of s*** can hear” you say “be-you little runt!” Stella inturups Nick
  7. “You are so dead belle!” Stella yells she swings on you you dodge her and try to kick her but she grabs your leg and spins you around then lets go of you “ahhhhhh!!!” You scream as you fly trough the air then you hit the wall and black out the last thing you hear is nick cursing at Stella
  8. You wake up and see a you are in a pink room with a laptop and a stereo and see you are lying on a queen bed
  9. You get out of bed and go downstairs the whole house seems to be decorated with pictures of nick, a girl about 10 She has her hair in a ponytail and she looks like Maiah and a hot sexy boy he is a red head with blueish greenish eyes (hotter then nick in real life cause he’s my boyfriend and he is hot!) then you see a picture of...
  10. Cliffhanger!! Sorry a new quiz will be up on Saturday

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Quiz topic: Battle for my life part 2 (for girls)
