What mental disorder do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mental disorder do you have?
Omg I have OCD you were right I do the doctor said
izzyXox1 -
I do have ADD your correct +1
Anatrax1 -
Ocd I mean
seebsy1 -
ADD and I was surprised becau.... Ooh look a butterfly
I always knew I had ADD
I got ADD and I as a girl think it is true
im a maniac depressive!....cool n_\\ xx
95% manic depressive disorder...
Ocd! So true . Got it from my mom. That clean freak got me worried about dirt...c:
fatii961 -
wow i wonder if it could be right
and paranoia
OCD?? I hated this quiz and every other quiz on gotoquiz THAT ISNT MINE!!!! :)
very accurate
mememe551 -
*GIGGLE!!!* Your Result: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
It's true!!!!
Buckalos stop putting that kissxl stuff.and by the way bukalo mans smelly fish.yeah that's right I'm italian
bluestat1 -
Fake !
Lil hihi1 -
i got ADD and i think i have it. i never pay that much attention. especially in english class...
I have OCD it says yea rite
Lil hihi1 -
This is true, I am like that!
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
huh?soun d like me tho -
i got manic depressive HAHA
See the thing is...I've always had a pretty mild/strong case of OCD...so thanks for telling me....that I have OCD..
Carri041 -
The quiz was so boring. I got OCD. And it's not ADD. It's ADHD. I have both of them. I would know.
i guess some of the questions got me.if i have ADD,is it good or bad for me?..i'm confusing myself..
memphis1 -
ADD...i already knew that!