What mental disorder do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mental disorder do you have?
I got zoneing out and almost anxiety? Oh my god read mind.
well...that seems right.i like feel so paranoid alot do yeah...who knew?definitely not me __
am i the only one here who got paranoia
ok... -
Got ADD 88%, manic depressive 84%, paranoia 81%, OCD 62%, lastly GAD 7%. Alrighty then..
best quiz ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! But i think i have add[attention deficiet disorder more
kw111 -
Manic Deppresive.. Excactly.
Paranoia and its true and i think i also uave OCD
kelash1 -
and would everyone STOP with the CHAINMAIL!!!
Sounds like me! (OCD)
Cool...I got OCD... that's probably right and I should get tested...
I have ADHD, Bipolar, OCD, and OCD.
happycat1 -
I got OCD....great quiz! I actually DO have OCD.
weirdo11 -
this says i have ocd and a manic depreesive disorder and a focus disorder which is probs true
I have paranoia....really
LaurenB1 -
hmmmm ADD? Well, seems true enough.
n00c981 -
I got ADD, which stands for attention defi- OMG BUTTERFLY
uhm... it said i had Manic Depressive Disorder...i don't have that at ALL.... I have ADD... that was my last thing... and I have ADD bad... well i'm also minorly bipolar... but uhm.. yee... very innaccurate..
i didn't know what add was so i asked my science teacher. but now i know what it is
this is so damn stupid
quite accurate
got attention deficiencyMreenav1 -
The love of your life thing worked???????????
Uh, If Kalena is dead how did she type that she was dead on the computer. Palerina, so true.
ive got ADD and i know i do buty i don't act like i have it it just comes naturally and i have mood swings, plus i like pie