What mental disorder do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mental disorder do you have?
i knew something was wrong i try telling ppl they dont listen.i HATE it when nobody listens to me.
kemper1 -
manic depressive ture i have always been like that!:) oh wait...that a bad thing :(
Sooo ok I uh....? Huh I don't like it
Woohoo71 -
There's 2 Kalena's ??????????????????
ADD? no actually I have OCD, it's not that severe it's only slight lol
Carri041 -
I got................ ................... ........srry I seen a bird outsyde n jus HAD 2 go stare at it! :D I have...ADD!I dnt think itz true! Brb I think I seen another bird from the corner of muh eye!:D gtg,it lookz really preeeeetty!:) :) :)
ine got manic depressive
i got ADD which is very close to what i really got which is ADHD
sukura1 -
it wasnt realy that bad i stopped after like half an hour and felt completely fine
just a bit of a headf---
:) -
Paranoia o.O
i took this one more time and i'm ADD, i was manic depressive then?
cuukk1 -
paranoa or what ever well i hate when people make fun of me wich is 3/4 :/ i hate my friends lol these test are usaully right
alerze1 -
Wow parinoia 0_o its right
Heh... I've got OCD and GAD. I have a thing for cleaning... a BIG thing for cleaning. =)
this is some bulls---
rainofay1 -
Wow, u people r weirddddddd.
EAT s--- AND DIE!!!!!!!!!!
hate this thing!
it said paranoia?!?! what??!?! who wrote this!?! do I know this person???!!! I don't have para-whatever!! shutup, just shutup.....AHhh what's that?......the wind!!
my mom always said i was a little obsessive!=D i new i had OCD! LOL!
my mom always said i was a little obssessive!=D this quiz is right on target! LOL!
I got ADD (88%)
manic depressive, weeelll no i have major depressive disorder tho
sukottei1 -
ADD, well now... I'm not certain, but, good to know!