weirdo1's Profile
Joined on May 10, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
weirdo1's Quizzes
- Which Salteen Are You?[published: Jun 30, 2016]
which salteen are you most like? take this quiz to find out! accuracy is guaranteed. you will either get……
- Which Main Ho are You?[published: Jun 28, 2016]
are you a main ho? probably not, but if you were, find out which one you would be (anna h, anna y, lily,……
- Do you have an eating disorder?[published: Jun 28, 2014, 2 comments]
Trigger warning for eating disorders! There are three commonly known eating disorders: Builimia……
- Which Pretty Little Liar Are You?[published: Jun 27, 2014]
Pretty Little Liars is a hit television show as well as a popular Young Adult book series.……
- How addicted to Candy Crush Are You?[published: Oct 31, 2013, 1 comment]
The most-downloaded free app on the apple store, Candy Crush has taken the world by storm.……
- Which Buffy villain are you? Seasons 1-4[published: Jan 31, 2013]
Buffy was a show created by Joss Whedon that aired from 1997 to 2003. It was extremely……
- Which high school buffy character are you?[published: Jan 31, 2013, 2 comments]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a show created by Joss Whedon that aired from 1997-2003.……
- Are you a true Alyson Hannigan fan?[published: Jan 27, 2013]
Alyson Hannigan is an amazing actress who can fit almost any role perfectly. She is also……
- Buffy Trivia: Seasons 1-4[published: Jan 27, 2013]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an awesome show that was on from 1997-2003. It was created by Joss Whedon……
- Are you haunted?[published: Sep 05, 2012, 11 comments]
Are YOU haunted by ghosts? Find out in this awesome, kick-butt, thorough, modest(LOL), quiz. Hope you love it!……
- Are you suicidal?[published: Jun 27, 2012, 5 comments]
Suicide is a very heavy topic meant to be taken seriously. If you are suicidal or think you know someone who……
- Are you nice????[published: Jun 26, 2012, 3 comments]
Are you nice? Well there are many things that determine niceness aren't there? It all depends on how generous……
- Are you a city girl, country girl, or suburban girl??[published: Jun 24, 2012, 6 comments]
Are you a city girl, country girl, or a suburban girl? Take this quiz to……
- The Ultimate One Direction Fan Quiz[published: Jun 23, 2012, 1 comment]
Do you like One Direction? Then take this trivia quiz about them! I'm not sure if my……
- Which pet would suit you best?[published: Jun 23, 2012, 3 comments]
Which pet would suit YOU best? A cat, dog, rabbit, parrot, or iguana? Find out here! Results are……
- Do you get enough sleep?[published: Jun 23, 2012, 18 comments]
Do you get enough sleep? Are you well-rested enough to tackle the day or even function throughout it?……
- Which faction from "Divergent" would you be best for?[published: Jun 09, 2012, 15 comments]
Have you read the book "Divergent" by Veronica Roth? If you haven't, you……
- Would you survive the Hunger Games?[published: May 11, 2012, 1 comment]
Would you win the Hunger Games? Winning means fame and fortune, losing means certain……
- How girly are you?[published: May 11, 2012, 1 comment]
Are you girly? Girlish? A girly-girl? Or a tomboy? Ladylike? Or gentlemanly? So, what are you? Take this test……
- How lucky are you???[published: May 11, 2012, 13 comments]
Are you lucky? fortunate and all that? appreciate whatever small amount of luck you have, or big amount or……
- Are you an idiot?[published: May 10, 2012]
This paragraph thing is so very stupid why do I have to put it. Oh why oh why. It should be optional. The name……
- Are you - shudder - normal?[published: May 10, 2012, 5 comments]
Normality is an awful disease that a lot of people have, and you can get it any time after your……
weirdo1's Recent Posts
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weirdo1's Recent Quiz Comments
"Said not girly at all....went back and picked very girly and now I'm 14% closer to marriage. Wow..."
1 -
"I live here and I wouldn't have passed......"
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They mean that you shouldn't judge a person's worth based solely on what they look like."
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"This time I got 58% :)"
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"It said what I have the least is Green eyes. Which is strange, since my eyes ARE green, but whatever. I got grey."
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"My name is already kind of weird: Calla. But I got Chantrea"
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""girly girl" apparently. which is the opposite of what I am. and you are a bad speller."
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"I only got 45% because I'm only in season 4 :("
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"96%. yay"
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""everyone must have a crush" I don't."