DragonzEye's Profile

Joined on Jun 29, 2010
Status Level: Junior
DragonzEye's Quizzes
- How Much Like Me Are You?[published: Jun 14, 2011]
Well, the title of this quiz, "How Much Like Me Are You" basically gives the whole thig away. If you……
- Charms OWL Exam![published: Jun 05, 2011, 4 comments]
This is the ACTUAL Charms OWL Exam given out by Filius Flitwick at Hogwarts. If you don't believe me, take the……
- Your Complicated Life As Harry Potter's Best Friend[published: Jun 04, 2011, 11 comments]
Your name is Clara Lynne O'Malley, you, the taker of this girls only quiz.……
- How Well Do You Know Harry Potter 4?[published: Jun 04, 2011, 4 comments]
There are many smart people, but very few geniuses. There are some people who think they……
- Best Hogwarts Quiz Ever! And You Choose What Happens![published: Jun 01, 2011, 11 comments]
This should be a good quiz for Harry Potter Fans (Test your Harry POtter……
- Where Harry Potter Fans Can See If They Are Worthy[published: Mar 17, 2011, 6 comments]
Not all Harry Potter lovers are worthy of being true Harry Potter fan. They……
- Your Life At Hogwarts Would Be...[published: Feb 05, 2011, 32 comments]
You are a witch or wizard at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Magic. But what is your life……
- How New York City Are You?[published: Sep 11, 2010]
Yeah, Imma up at Brooklyn, Now Im down in Tribeca, Right next to DeNiro, But I'll be hood……
- Which Hogwarts House Are You?[published: Sep 05, 2010, 9 comments]
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please, Whether we be old and……
- How Well Do You Know Good Luck Charlie?[published: Sep 01, 2010, 29 comments]
Everybody loves one of Disney's newest television shows, Good Luck Charlie. Good Luck……
- Tomboy or Girly Girl?[published: Aug 30, 2010, 3 comments]
Have you ever wondered what tyoe of person you really are? Your room is pink, but you'd rather go……
- How Well Do You Know Me?[published: Aug 24, 2010, 3 comments]
What color is my hair? Do you know? My eyes, skin, what color are they? Can you guess? My favorite……
- What is Your High School Steryotype?[published: Aug 16, 2010, 2 comments]
High school is probably one of the biggest challenges in ones life. Many people are just……
- How Well Do You Know The Olympians?[published: Aug 06, 2010, 2 comments]
There are many people who know about these legends, but who know everything? The Olympians……
- How Well do You Know Percy Jackson?[published: Jul 01, 2010, 3 comments]
Many people know about Percy Jackson, but how many of them are true Jackson Geniuses? Find……
- What is Your Element?[published: Jul 01, 2010, 3 comments]
Have you ever wanted super powers? Here's your chance to find out what super power you might have one day.……
DragonzEye's Recent Posts
"I actually like #2 more than #1, but I'll be spending more time with #1 this year because of the middle school I'm going to."
"Oh, and hi!"
"I dropped the whole feeling like an outsider thing and decided to come back early. Just don't take my old quizzes, they suck. Oh, and"
"i just feel like an outsider here, so im signing off and not coming back 4 a long time. bye guys!"
"im jealous i wish i was british"
"That doesn't mean that we can't try...do I have a point?"
"I liked it....and it WAS long!"
"And go!"
"Guy #1- Used to be my arch enemy, now we tell eachother everything, and he doesn't like me, but someone else. Always turns to me when he's g..."
"thats good!"
"Good for you, that ride is lagit!"
"My most popular quiz is locked, I want to edit it, but I can't since it's LOCKED."
DragonzEye's Recent Quiz Comments
"i liv in central; jersey wtf is my score abouty?"
1 -
"ur so racist! white person here!"
1 -
"the usual...malfoy...(b tw, 4 some reason, i feel wierd saying draco cuz nobody EVER calls him tht in the movies. lol ik im wierd...lolz…"
2 -
"nice but too much crap"
1 -
"y is the quiz pic of emma watston?????"
1 -
1 -
"Hey guys! Sorry for writing so much, but I really wished I made different results right when I was finishing it up! Sad face....so, in the…"
1 -
"just a sug....use more gtq users"
1 -
"I think it was a good quiz, too. What other quizzes do you have? I'd like to take them."
1 -
"who do you think u r emrald ye u shudnt be saying things like tht "