xxrfinnxx's Profile
Joined on Nov 27, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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xxrfinnxx's Recent Quiz Comments
"Are you depressed?
Your Result: Severe depression
100%Based upon your responses to this depression quiz, you appear to be…"
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" im emo! You are frustrated with yourself, and others. You are agressive, fiesty and romantic. You hang around with alot of people and dont…"
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"im Selene! cool! You are the goddess of the moon. Selene is said to wear robes, carry a torch, and wear a half moon on her head. She is 10%…"
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"im a peace sign...but im at war with myself on the inside...im full of hate and sadness...its drowning me and all i can do is let it…"
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"im a maniac depressive!....cool n_\\ xx"