what kind of friend are you?

In this quiz, you will find your friend percentage and find out what your friends REALLY think about you and what they like you for you better be prepared...

if you get offended or don't agree with your score take it again don't be sad you're just taking a stupid test that's probably wrong anyway so don't come after me to kill me, please...

Created by: nova
  1. if a stranger knees you in the butt what do you do?
  2. your best friend tell your crush you like them! what happens next?!
  3. you want to break up with your SO, but they ask to get fake married. what will you do?
  4. how much do you hang out with your bestie? (NOT SEE I SAID HANG.OUT.)
  5. do you know thare FAVORATE COLOR?!
  6. what is thare deepest...darkest...SECRET?
  7. bf means best friends in the quiz ok?
  8. do you know ALL YOUR FRIENDS pronouns AND first and last names?
  9. how do you think your doing so far? ( doesn't count tuards score)
  10. your bf sais somthing stupid.

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Quiz topic: What kind of friend am I?
