What kind of friend are you?

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There's all different kinds of friends and people out there but have you ever wondered what kind of friend you were? I know I have....................

Well take the quiz and find out, it's my first one, sorry if it sucks even more than a vacuum does -.- (which I really do hope it doesn't!) Enjoy.....

Created by: Aika

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're friend calls and says they just broke up with their boyfriend/girlfriend. You...
  2. A rumor is spreading around about your friend. You immediately...
  3. Opinion on stereotypes?
  4. MKAY. Back to RP with anonymous friends that are not named xD Your friend brakes their leg in a car accident. After school you...
  5. It's lunch time. You sit with...
  6. Your idea of fun?
  7. You are best known for...
  8. Someone just ran off with your cookie!
  9. There's a new person at school. Your first instinct is to...
  10. Someone pokes you. You...
  11. Your childhood was...

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Quiz topic: What kind of friend am I?