How close of friends are we?

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This is a quiz to see how close friends you are, this quiz will have 11 questions about you and your friend. At the end, you will see a percentage of 1-100%.

100% will be perfect, and 1% will be fake friend. Use this quiz to grow your friendship, or just to be fun and silly. You can use this quiz at any gender or age.

Created by: Yukima
  1. How often do you see each other? (school or work doesn't count)
  2. what would you give your friend for there birthday?
  3. How long have you been friends?
  4. If they called you if you could come over what would you say?
  5. If your friend was sick and they asked for a hug, what would you do?
  6. How often do you get in fights?
  7. Do you think you know them well?
  8. Do you think they know you well?
  9. how close do you think you are?
  10. Finally, have they ever hurt your feelings?
  11. Last question, do you finish each others sentences?

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