What is your friend status?

This is a quiz that will see what your friend status is. What I mean my that is we will test and see if your and your friends are made for each other or should break up and not be friends.

If you get a high number you and your friends should stay friends, be friends, or become friends. If you get a low number you and your friends should break up, not be friends if you are already, and don’t think about becoming.

Created by: Kayla
  1. Do you have friends?
  2. Do you hang out with them?
  3. Do you like hanging out with them?
  4. Do you hang out with them often?
  5. Going to school or hanging with friends?
  6. Online or real life?
  7. Do you plan things?
  8. Do you plan things to do together?
  9. Do you and your friends like each other?
  10. Do you and your friends get on each other’s nerves and annoy each other often?
  11. How old are you?
  12. Are you and your friends friends?

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Quiz topic: What is my friend status?

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