This quiz will decide for you if you should keep your friend

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Friends they are awesome always by your side just there for you. But there are very horrible friends that use you friends that just hate you. Just there to hate on you.

Do you have a real friend? If you do would they be there for you in hard times. Help you? Never betraying you? Or would the just hate on you or something like that... Take this quiz to find our!

Created by: ???
  1. How long can you guys go without talking
  2. How long have you guys know each other
  3. Would she/he ever talk behind your back
  4. What would she/he do if you be sick
  5. Did she ever force you to do something?
  6. Does she/he has other friends?
  7. Do you guys ever laugh with each other (because in friendship you should always laugh together ;)
  8. If she/he had to face your biggest fears for you to be alive would they
  9. Do you guys tell each other personal stuff?
  10. OK I know you guys are tried of this but do you like this quiz (Won't effect your score)

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Quiz topic: This quiz will decide for you if you should keep my friend
