Lemme Roast You

Broski represents a slice of the author themselves, but is completely and utterly predictable and perfect. Trust me: you do not want a Mary Sue. So maybe you're serious about wr

figure out if your main character's a Mary Sue. Even if you don't plan to showy our work to the world, this will at least give you some pointers on how to improve your writing skills, as results should be relatively accurate.

Created by: Mads
  1. Do You Like Talking To People
  2. Whats Your Sexuality
  3. Are You Neurodivergent
  4. What You You Do In Your Free Time
  5. Fave Thing To Do At School
  6. Fave Social Media
  7. Do You Like Youtube
  8. Yes Or No
  9. Do You Have Friends
  10. Broski Are You Gonna Rate This Quiz

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