What Is Your Mythical Creature Guardian? | Comments

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  • Dragon

    Dragon mythology extends back through the ages at least 4,000 years. They are commonly depicted as large flying reptiles that breathe fire or shoot deadly poison from their nostrils or mouths. Tales of these giant beasts date to the dawn of human existence. They've also inspired many a young warrior to take up arms, bravely trying to prevent a malevolent dragon from consuming a fair maiden. On the other hand, some cultures actually revere the dragon for being gentle and wise. In China, dragons are a symbol of courage and heroism and are seen as protectors of the community. This amazing creature is your Guardian.

    10/10! Perfectly done, great answers, and it fits me perfectly!

  • What Is Your Mythical Creature Guardian?
    Your Result: Dragon

    Dragon mythology extends back through the ages at least 4,000 years. They are commonly depicted as large flying reptiles that breathe fire or shoot deadly poison from their nostrils or mouths. Tales of these giant beasts date to the dawn of human existence. They've also inspired many a young warrior to take up arms, bravely trying to prevent a malevolent dragon from consuming a fair maiden. On the other hand, some cultures actually revere the dragon for being gentle and wise. In China, dragons are a symbol of courage and heroism and are seen as protectors of the community. This amazing creature is your Guardian

    Unicorn 75%
    Siren 50%
    Pegasus 50%
    Leviathan 50%
    Hydra 50%
    Centaur 25%
    Phoenix 25%
    Mermaids 0%

  • Your Result: Mermaids

    Since ancient times, sailors crossing the world's oceans have reported seeing mermaids, beautiful fish-maidens with long flowing hair and incredible powers of seduction. These exquisite creatures are described as irresistibly attractive with the torso and head of a young woman and the lower body of a fish. Such tales sometimes describe mermaids as helpful, saving sailors who had the misfortune to fall overboard. Others convey a more menacing intention on the part of the fish-ladies, such as their fondness for making ships crash onto rocky shores. No one knows the truth really but this is your Guardian lets hope shes the good one.

    Cool quiz. I liked it. :).

  • What Is Your Mythical Creature Guardian?
    Your Result: Phoenix

    No creature symbolizes eternal life more than the phoenix, a mythical bird known as much for its beauty as its immortality. Now it is usually depicted as an eagle or other bird of prey, but may also resemble a heron in its delicate majesty. The amazing thing about the phoenix is that it knows when it will die. When it senses that its life is coming to an end - about once every thousand years - the phoenix builds itself a funeral pyre made of cinnamon or other aromatic material and allows itself to be consumed by the flames. Then, as the old phoenix is reduced to ashes, a new one rises to begin its life on Earth. This majestic bird is your Guardian

    80% Unicorn
    75% Siren
    50% Pegasus
    50% Mermaids
    50% Hydra
    50% Dragon
    25% Sphinx
    25% Leviathan
    0% Centaur
    Yay! Awesome!

  • Your Result: Phoenix

    No creature symbolizes eternal life more than the phoenix, a mythical bird known as much for its beauty as its immortality. Now it is usually depicted as an eagle or other bird of prey, but may also resemble a heron in its delicate majesty. The amazing thing about the phoenix is that it knows when it will die. When it senses that its life is coming to an end - about once every thousand years - the phoenix builds itself a funeral pyre made of cinnamon or other aromatic material and allows itself to be consumed by the flames. Then, as the old phoenix is reduced to ashes, a new one rises to begin its life on Earth. This majestic bird is your Guardian

    75% Centaur
    75% Mermaids
    75% Leviathan
    60% Unicorn
    50% Pegasus
    50% Siren
    50% Hydra
    50% Dragon
    0% Sphinx

  • What Is Your Mythical Creature Guardian?
    Your Result: Siren

    Beautiful half-woman, half-birdlike creatures who sang such sweet songs that listeners forgot everything and died of hunger. The Sirens are sisters who lure sailors to their death. The song of the Sirens is irrestable but, they live in unpassable reefs which destroy the sailors boats when they try to reach the Sirens. This creature is your Guardian

    75% Dragon
    60% Unicorn
    50% Hydra
    50% Sphinx
    50% Leviathan
    25% Phoenix
    25% Centaur
    25% Mermaids
    0% Pegasus

    Oh yaaaa! I get all the dangerous ones! (Besides the unicorn)

  • 100% Dragon
    100% Siren
    75% Phoenix
    75% Hydra
    60% Unicorn
    50% Leviathan
    50% Centaur
    50% Pegasus
    25% Mermaids
    0% Sphinx

    How can i put this... my guardian is a... Siragon? A ..a feathered female dragon who sings to attract her prey and then slaughter it in a blink?

    ... *_* *lost in awe* oh my, my imagination has come-

    btw, i've also rated your quiz, really nice done!

  • Hey guys. Thanks for taking my quiz, I really appreciate it, I apologize about the 50% most of you got for, Pegasus Siren Hydra Dragon, I may have messed up on that part...

    Thanks for taking the quiz

  • Leviathan,really brave and strong creature! I do enjoy the water and being adventurous alot like them and can easily have a temper to so I think we would relate alot. Cool quiz mate.

  • I got 100% Pheonix and 100% Siren! Not really sure what a Siren does as it came up with Pheonix but I'm guessing it basically breathes underwater but the Pheonix is perfect as immortality and the ability to fly are the 'powers' that I would want!!

  • Very good quiz! It's been a while since I've seen anything this good or that matches up with my personality so accurately. :)

    I got Siren, which certainly makes sense, because I am a choir geek.

  • 100% for Siren and Leviathan!! I'm doomed to the water I suppose, it's fine, I'll just beat up all the sharks! Cool quiz btw, nicely made! :3

  • Dragon, cool.

  • Unicorn. Very nice description, by the way. I gave this quiz a very high rating! ^_^

  • Phoenix/Mermaid.

  • Dragon 100%
    f--- yeah.

    AlthoUgh you should add Ares to the Greek god questions. Ares is awesome.

    Epic quiz though, bro.

  • Siren. Awesome.

  • I got a mermaid

  • Hope sirens like me!

  • I got a Unicorn. O.O

    elf maiden
  • Centaur and dragon tied at 83%
    Nice quiz =D

  • Unicorn. YEAH BUDDY!

  • i got unicorn

  • I got a Dragon and Unicorn (both were 100%).

  • PHOENIX!!! ^w^


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