LittleRosie's Profile

Joined on Dec 28, 2012
Status Level: Novice
LittleRosie's Quizzes
- Gem Child: INTRO[published: Jan 30, 2013, 1 comment]
I hate these things...A lot...:D Just don't read this...Isn't pointless. :) Grr...I hate this thing. Why can't……
LittleRosie's Recent Posts
"Ikr. My English teacher assigned us a written report of what we did this summer. It's all soggy now. :/"
"*my Auto correct..."
"Now I have to sit outside in the pouring rain and do my hw. This sucks. Mystic parents won't be home until four. AGHHHH."
"2 friggin pages of spam. .-."
"^I hate double post..."
"XD That made me laugh. Thanks. "
"XD That made me laugh. Thanks. "
"Okay-TBH, I can't stand living anymore. The only reason I'm here is because it would really hurt the people I love. I've tried running away ..."
"^I love skillet. xP"
"Never Surrender by Skillet."
"XD I'm glad I made you smile. Doors don't seem to like me very much. ^.^ They get me into the biggest problems."
"I've attempted to run away from home several times. O.o"
":3 I didn't think anyone would respond...I'm normally just that quiet girl in the back corner in class who never raises her hand, never look..."
"My only problem is, I can never find a conversation I can talk in. I hardly know anyone and no one knows me. I'm really bad at starting conv..."
">.< I tamed 65 ocelots and had a mini ocelot parade on some server once...And named them all Dinnerbone to make them upsidedown. XD I just "..."
LittleRosie's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got The Ubertalented One but, thanks to my gemininess, I saw that I was also very similar to The Dark One."
1 -
"Your Result: Your Future: 88%
You're going to live in a small cottage in the country. You'll be married to someone whose name…"
1 -
"I got guy when I'm a girl...Well, I don't care. Sometimes, I take being more like a guy as a compliment. You never really find many girls…"
1 -
"88%...Dang. :D I'm too nice to hit them at 100%. Even though they really suck and annoy me...I'd rather them fall off a cliff. Repeatedly."
1 -
"I got Average but Hot on the Inside. :D On school days, I look like someone threw me in a trash can and left me there for 6 years. On the…"
3 -
"Mine's the Emerald...Or ruby. I was supposed to be born in September so, I'm a little bit of that. :D My mom is a peridot. I'm also exactly…"
1 -
"I always get things like the turtle. :D It's creepy awesome though. "
1 -
"Your Result: hades 78%
do u ever feel like u don't belong in this world that's because u are a son or daughter of hades. Hades...…"
1 -
"Your Result: Seraphim Angel Rank 1
100%resultThese are the Angels who are closest to God. They encircle his throne and emit an…"
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"I got yes. :D Yay~"