Rave098's Profile

Joined on Mar 17, 2013
Status Level: Senior
Rave098's Quizzes
- Are you Rave098 or LuckyFirefly[published: Feb 20, 2014, 3 comments]
Thor-hater or Thor-loving person? Mischief or Thunder? Water or darkness? Scepter or Helmet?……
- Cavernclan: The beginning part 2[published: Sep 15, 2013, 2 comments]
Cavernclan, the clan of the tunnels. Have you ever heard of it? As the rivals of Jayclan and……
- Cavernclan: The Beginning Part 1[published: Aug 29, 2013, 8 comments]
Cavernclan, the clan of the tunnels. As the rivals of Jayclan and Sunclan, Much of their day is……
- Cavernclan: The Beginning Prologue[published: Aug 23, 2013, 6 comments]
Cavernclan, the clan of the tunnels. Have you ever heard of it? As the rivals of Jayclan and……
- Who are you in Cavernclan?[published: Jul 16, 2013, 11 comments]
Have you ever seen that thread on the library titled Cavernclan? Or, more recently, on the stage?……
- Are you Katniss31 or Rave098?[published: Jun 16, 2013, 12 comments]
Ok, are you more like me, Rave098, or her? *Points at Katniss31* . Who is the most like you? The……
Warrior Cats Love Story (for girls)
This is a Warrior Cats fanfiction series. This series of quizzes will take you through a situation where a young cat has to find out who she loves. Thanks for reading!
- Warrior cats love story part 1 (For girls)[published: Apr 19, 2013, 9 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- Warrior cats love story part 2 (for girls)[published: Apr 19, 2013, 8 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- Warrior cats love story part 3 (For Girls)[published: Apr 20, 2013, 9 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- Warrior cats love story part 4 (For Girls)[published: Apr 29, 2013, 7 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- Warrior cats love story part 5 (For Girls)[published: May 02, 2013, 9 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- Warrior cats love story part 6 (For Girls)[published: May 05, 2013, 10 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- Warrior cats love story part 7 (For girls!)[published: May 07, 2013, 7 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- WArrior cats love story part 8! (For Girls!)[published: May 08, 2013, 5 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- Warrior cats love story part 9! (For girls)[published: May 10, 2013, 6 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- Warrior cats love story part 10! (For girls)[published: May 15, 2013, 4 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- Warrior cats love story part 11! (For girls!)[published: May 23, 2013, 11 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- Warrior cats love story part 12! (For girls)[published: Jun 04, 2013, 12 comments]
Many people love the Warrior Cats saga. I know I do. But what would it be like to……
- Warrior cats love story part 13 for girls announcement![published: Jun 24, 2013, 17 comments]
Hi! I'm Rave098, a creator of a Warrior cats love story thingy. I wanted……
- Warrior cats love story part 1 (For girls)
- What warrior cat are you? part 2[published: Apr 24, 2013, 3 comments]
A lot of people wonder, "˜If I was a Warrior Cat, who would I be? How would I act? What would……
- What warrior cat are you? Part 1[published: Apr 20, 2013, 3 comments]
A lot of people wonder, "˜If I was a Warrior Cat, who would I be? How would I act? What would……
- SCHOOL IS OUT! (For me, at least)[published: May 20, 2013, 3 comments]
Well, yall, Rave098 here with great news. For me, School is finally out! BTW, I kinda burst……
- Shoutouts to everyonr who took any of my quizzes![published: Apr 24, 2013, 4 comments]
Please use good English, no net-speak (such as ur, b4, luv, etc), and put some……
- Announcement about Warriors love story[published: Apr 20, 2013, 3 comments]
This is an important announcement!This is an important announcement!This is an important……
- Warrior Cats: Travelclan[published: Apr 04, 2013, 1 comment]
This quiz was built to help people who wanted to join my clan of Travelclan, but don't know where to……
- Warrior Cats: Good or Evil[published: Mar 29, 2013, 7 comments]
Many people read the Warrior Cat series, and think "If Tigerstar kidnapped me, I would bite his tail……
- The Inheritance Cycle Ultimate Test![published: Mar 27, 2013, 2 comments]
There are many people who think they are the master of their book series. This test is……
- Who Are You Most Like in Eragon?[published: Mar 15, 2013, 4 comments]
There are many people out there that think 'I'm most like _________ in the book Eragon.' Do you……
Rave098's Recent Posts
"Sent it"
"Lueh do me a favor and email me okay?"
"I'm sure."
"Can i be the other sidekick fighter person?"
"*Sobbing* NUUUUUUUU!"
"*trying not to cry* So sad..."
"Dudes, chill! No fighting on my behalf! *Pulls up a lawn chair and sits down with a back of popcorn* Of course, I won't object too strongly...."
"XDXD Absol I swear you should be a comedian"
"Uh, meh."
"MUUUURDEEEEEER HAHAHAHAH! >8D Actually I've basically reverted to a little kid again. I can tell because Magnetic Rocks are f"
"XDXD Mega Beedrill does look awesomely murderous! And hey! I'm a kid, you know! Give me a break!"
"*slinks away from Lucky* Unfortunately, Cavernclan is dead. *Moment of silence for the cats* But, on the brigh"
"Don't worry, I'm still on Team Comet!"
":D How have you been, Absol?"
Rave098's Recent Quiz Comments
"100 percent!"
1 -
"Thank you!"
1 -
1 -
"This really did make my day! :)"
1 -
"Your Result: Tom Marvolo Riddle "Lord Voldemort"
Result: "He-Who-Must-Not-Be -Named", arguably the most powerful wizard…"
1 -
1 -
1 -
"I know who Erin Hunter is! Erin, why didn't you ever say anything about being on GTQ? Lucky/Erin, why didn't you?"
1 -
1 -
"You are one of the best Writers I've ever seen!"